General Meetings/2021-04-06/Minutes


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Status of this Document


These minutes are draft. They have not yet been adopted at a PCSAR General Meeting.


In Attendance: Brett Wuth, Nick Morantz, Denis Haché, Igor Grujic, Pearl Kersey, Lynn Keeler, Jacinthe Fontaine, Sabrina Ryans, Celesa Horvath, Nata de Leeuw, Dan Della Vedova, Jake Foster, Lucas Gurba, Kara Kulak, Alec Curtis.

Call to Order

The PCSAR Annual General Meeting delayed from 2021, held online via GoToMeeting, was called to order by Brett Wuth at 19:01 on April 6, 2021.

Quorum was established. Minutes were recorded by Brett Wuth.


Moved that all present may vote. Carried unanimously.


It was noted that the Community Response Group AGM was being conducted along side the Pincher Creek Search and Rescue AGM. To ease the process of having two similar meetings, a common chair was desired.

Moved by Celesa, seconded by Nick, that Brett Wuth be the common chair for the PCSAR and CRG meetings. Carried.


It was proposed that the draft agenda be amended to include an item of inducting new members.

Moved by Lucas seconded by Pearl that the agenda be adopted as amended. Carried.

Induction of Members

Moved by Igor, seconded by Nick, that Kara Kulak be inducted as a non-operational member of PCSAR. Carried.

Moved by Lucas, seconded by Nata, that Dan Della Vedova be inducted as a member of the CRG. Carried.


Moved by Nata, seconded by Nick, that the minutes of the November 5, 2019 PCSAR Annual General Meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.

Moved by Sabrina, seconded by Lucas, that the minutes of the November 5, 2019 CRG Annual General Meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.

Moved by Nick, seconded by Igor, that the minutes of the March 3, 2020 PCSAR General Meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.

PCSAR President's Report

Igor Grujic presented an oral report.

PCSAR Financial Report

Brett Wuth offered an apology for his absence during the pandemic response.

Sabrina Ryans presented the financial statements.

Moved by Nick, seconded by Lucas, that the 2019-2020 Financial Statements be received as information. Carried.

Auditors Report

The auditors have not yet had a chance to conduct the audit but the membership will be emailed when complete.


Moved by Lucas, seconded by Nick, that Sabrina Ryans act as Elections Officer. Carried.

Results as follows:

It was noted that the CRG election results were:

  • CRG President: vacant.
  • CRG Secretary/Treasurer: vacant

The board will follow up on the vacancies with the CRG members.

Committee Volunteers

The following people offered to join or continuing on various committees:

Discussion / Motions from the Floor

Brett and Lucas reported on the proposed merger with Crowsnest Pass Search and Rescue. The anticipated time frame if it proceeds is late summer. We expect to report back to the membership before approving changes.


Moved to adjourn. Carried. The time being 20:45.

Short 5-minute general meetings are held at the start of the regular training at 19:00 the first Tuesday of every month. The next is Tuesday December 3.

The next Annual General Meeting is scheduled for November 3, 2020 at 18:00.