SAR Fundamentals/Evening 4 start-up/Content Review


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  • Will a GPS work well in heavy fog?

  • What does declination mean?

  • How accurate (in meters) is a GPS with and without WAAS?

  • Can pacing be practical when measuring distance?

  • When performing a Widely-Spaced Sound Sweep, how far apart are the searchers?

  • What are the 5 basic categories of clues? Give an example of each.

  • What is a sound sweep?

  • What are the 3 heights for search zones?

  • What are the two categories of search techniques? Give an example of both.

  • Describe a Type 4 search

  • In a survival situation, which of the necessities of life should be a person's highest priority?

  • What is the inner layer of clothing used for

  • What is the disadvantage of chemically treating water?

  • How can you determine how far away lightening is?

  • How do pronounce you these numbers on the radio? 3 4 5 9

  • Which call sign is said first - your station or the station you're calling?

  • Why are water searches considered high urgency?

  • Name the three types of trained search dogs

  • When conducting a search of a building why must each floor be secured?

  • Personal tools