Revision as of 16:16, 30 October 2015 by Diann Piwek (Talk | contribs)
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This page is based on the Event/Page template.

Use that template to make similar pages.



Include or link to the announcement for this event.

  • Email notice of upcoming AGM sent out late summer


Event location, date, time and duration.

  • Venue:
    • PC Fire Hall
    • Tuesday, November 3, 2015
    • 18:00 to 21:00
    • Pot Luck Social, Business meeting, 20th PCSAR Anniversary


Record here who is interested in attending and indicate for each person whether they've been confirmed or declined, and attended/completed the event.

  • All members invited via phone calls, emails and/or mail-outs

File number

How is this event identified? E.g., give the D4H/POC/ARRC number.

  • POC tracking number


Purpose of the event or detailed agenda/schedule.




Include or link here any record of the event, such as brief description, rough notes, photos, media coverage.


Note any equipment used -- equipment sign-out sheets.


Note any budget, actual expenses. Attach receipts.


Note any feedback received, measures of success. Attach any course evaluation forms.

  • Notifications need to be started second week in October to garner interest in running for positions. Need pro-active approach by Membership Committee. Media notice should be included under Shell Community Calendar. Perhaps plan a rope rescue exercise or something for those members who are able to attend earlier in the afternoon - around 15:00. (dp)

To do

Record things that are yet to be done in preparation or conclusion of this event.

  • Update list of executives after AGM and ensure it is sent to all interested parties (Administrator).
  • Transcribe minutes and send to all members via email/mailouts.
  • Adjust signing authority at ATB. No motion by Board necessary as there is a motion on file Image:AGM Minutes 2014-11-04.pdf #8
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