Board of Directors/2016-07-26/Agenda


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  1. Call to Order
    1. Quorum
  2. Agenda
    1. Additions to the Agenda
    2. Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the Agenda be adopted as (presented/amended).
  3. Strategic Planning - provincial expectations
    1. Direction
      Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that PCSAR respond to the increasing expectations from SAR Alberta and the OFC in two ways: first by rising as an organization to these expectations and supporting as many of its members as are able to meet the expectations of them, and second by supporting the formation of a community response group for members that do not meet the provincial expectations.
    2. Process for Change
      Possible motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that PCSAR consult with its partner organizations (SAR Alberta, the OFC, tasking agencies, other SAR groups, etc.) on its strategic plan regarding the increasing provincial expectations and gather feedback to refine and adapt the plan.
      Possible motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that PCSAR not finalize structural changes until required to by SAR Alberta, the OFC, or tasking agencies.
    3. Steps toward first strategy: rising to expectations
    4. Steps toward second strategy: community response group
  4. 2016-2017 Budget
  5. Adjournment
    Next Board Meeting: ________________ 17:30
    Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ to adjourn.
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