SAR Fundamentals/Day 3 start up/Content Review


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  • How can you tell which way is uphill on a topo map?

  • On a topographic map, how would an impassible elevation change appear?

  • Many things in your first aid kit can be improvised using other materials. Name something that can't be improvised.

  • What is the first sign of hypothermia?

  • During evacuation procedures what is a scout used for?

  • What are the two types of evidence?

  • How many digits are there in a full northing?

  • How far apart are UTM grid lines on a 1:50,000 map?

  • On a 1:50,000 topo map, how many centimeters would represent 1 km?

  • Why do the grid lines on a topo map not always point true north?

  • How many option of fire starting should you have?

  • List three types of fire starter you could have in a ready pack.

  • Personal tools