Main Ferno stretcher
- Ferno stretcher
- with face shield attached
- spine board
- with head blocks
- with chin strap
- with spine board straps in blue bag
- 1 quicksplint
- 2 thermarests
- 4 blankets
- 1 sleeping bag
- 1 pair safety glasses
- (need, don't have, (review: Brett Wuth)) with removable arms
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer
- 2 10m green webbing (lashing)
- 6 5m red webbing (carry straps)
- (need, not included, (review: Brett Wuth)) large bag to protect all contents from rain
- (need, not included, (review: Brett Wuth)) tarp to protect subject from rain
37.7 kg (as of 2011-09-08). Useful for helicopter load calculations.
To repack the stretcher: 1. Wash mud and dirt off all items (stretcher, spine board, head blocks, thermarests, blankets, webbing). 2. Air dry all items. 3. Reattach head blocks to spine board. 4. Place quick splint on spine board in stretcher. 5. Place webbing, water bottle, purel and safety glasses at head and velcro face shield in place. 6. Add folded blankets. 7. Add thermarests and sleeping bag. 8. Tighten stretcher straps. 9. Place in quad trailer. 10. Close trailer clamps.
- add illustration of how to daisy chain webbing (review: Brett Wuth)