Board of Directors/2015-12-01/Minutes


< Board of Directors | 2015-12-01
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[edit] Status of this Document

This document is Adopted. It may be amended at any board meeting.

[edit] Attending


  • Eric Bruder (Vice President)
  • Igor Grujic (Treasurer)
  • John MacGarva (Secretary)
  • Frank Melo (Director at Large)
  • Nichole Boissoneault (Director at Large)

Non-Board Members

  • Diann Piwek (Administrator)
  • Matt Lynch (Member)

[edit] Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 17:43. Eric Bruder chaired. Quorum was attained. Minutes were recorded by the Administrator.

[edit] Agenda

Motion: Moved by John MacGarva, seconded by Nichole Boissoneault that the Agenda be adopted as presented. Carried.

[edit] Minutes

Motion: Moved by Nichole Boissoneault, seconded by Frank Melo that the Minutes of the October 6, 2015 meeting be adopted as amended. Carried.

Motion: Moved by John MacGarva, seconded by Nichole Boissoneault that the Minutes of the October 20, 2015 meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.

[edit] Financial

[edit] Administrator's Report

[edit] Approval of cheques over $500 or outside budget

Motion: Moved by John MacGarva, seconded by Nichole Boissoneault that payment to Diann Piwek for invoice # 05 in the amount of $2316.52 be approved.

Motion: Moved by John MacGarva, seconded by Nichole Boissoneault that payment to Diann Piwek for invoice #06 in the amount of $784.37 be approved.

Motion: Moved by Nichole Boissoneault seconded by Igor Grujic that payment to Diann Piwek for invoice #07 in the amount of $1372.24 be approved.

Motion: Moved by John MacGarva, seconded by Nichole Boissoneault that the Administrator's Report be accepted as information. Carried.

[edit] Financial Statements

No financial statements were presented.

[edit] Committee Reports

[edit] Fund Raising

Diann Piwek reported that the final paperwork for the 2016 Casino application is complete and will be mailed this week.

Other funding sources are being researched. It was suggested that this be tabled until after the next Board meeting which will be concentrating on a thorough review of the current year's budget.

[edit] Training

Matt Lynch reported that he is proceeding with training in Brett Wuth's absence. A hike to Wall Lake is planned for December 12.

[edit] Membership

Diann Piwek reported that information regarding the Identification Badges has been submitted to the RCMP to forward to the Office of the Fire Commissioner.

Motion: Moved by Nichole Boissoneault, seconded by John MacGarva that the next Board meeting be focused on a review of the current year's budget. Carried.

[edit] Adjournment

Motion: Moved by Nichole Boissoneault, seconded by John MacGarva that the meeting be adjourned at 18:52. Carried.

The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 17:30.

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