PCSAR Doc-74 Search Incident Demobilization / Post Mission Plan/Doc


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This page is based on the Doc-74 Demobolization template.

Use that template to make similar pages.

Incident Name:

Date Ending:

This checklist is intended as a guideline for Overhead Team Members only. Tasks specific to the incident, not identified on this form should be addressed as necessary.

General Information

This plan consists of some common tasks that will need to be addressed when a search incident enters the demobilization stage. The tasks identified herein are not complete as every incident is unique in nature and may have specific requirements not outlined in this document.

This document is intended as a tool to assist the search manager and overhead team during the process demobilization and post mission tasks.


Search Manager
Is responsible for the safe and orderly demobilization of any search incident. The search manager will ensure all aspects of demobilization will be considered and acted upon as required.
Overhead Team
As applicable, and in consultation with the search manager, members of the overhead team will assume responsibility for all items identified herein that apply to their function.
If resources are limited and functions have been combined, team members will coordinate activities amongst group
Team Leaders
Where possible, team leaders will be responsible for the safety of their team members, ensuring directions from the overhead team are adhered to, and all members demobilize and return home safely.
Search Members
All participants in search incidents will be responsible for ensuring that all directives of the overhead team are followed for a safe demobilization.
Search members are responsible for their personal safety at all times and the well being of their team members. All are encouraged to assume a level of responsibility for their team members until all have returned home safely.

On Site

On Site: Personnel Release Priorities

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to

Recall All Search Teams

All deployed teams/resources asked to return to base

Stand Down Resources

Search Resources in Transit
Teams and Resources on Standby


Stand down all equipment on standby
Stand down all equipment en-route
Stand down all equipment in field

Debrief All Returning Teams

Team Leaders Formally Debriefed
All issued equipment returned
Inform of Critical Incident Stress Defusing
Issued with Expense Claim Forms
Issued with Critique Form

Release Search Teams

All searchers signed out
Evaluate searchers for safe to drive home (sleepiness)
Release Searchers as available
Designate return routes and convoy individuals as possible for individual safety

Notify Call Out People

Notified of Stand Down / Demobilization
Send e-mail to those notified earlier of incident that we are stood down
Notified of Defusing / Critique
Call out to arrange defusing with one of the CISM teams?

On Site: Media

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to
Determine whether family wishes to deal with media inquiries

On Site: Administrative Tasks

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to

White Board Info

Record/photograph all information from white boards (inside and out)

Post Incident Management

Identify a rested PCSAR member (SAR Manager?) to oversee post mission activity once off site.

Make Ready to Respond Again

Readying: Personnel Release Priorities

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to

Notify Call Out People

Forward call-back number to one of the SAR Managers.

Readying: Administrative Tasks

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to


Send e-mail to members requesting help with post-mission activities (this list)

Back in Service Notifications

Inform Pincher RCMP that we're back in service
Inform Pincher Creek Emergency Services that we're back in service

Refill Overhead Files

Replace all products (forms, etc) used during course of search

  • overhead box at fire hall
  • overhead files in filing cabinet in MCP

Refer to latest version of "SAR Management Files" (PCSAR Doc-31)

Have complete set in Fire hall at expense of pulling files from the MCP (firehall set are portable and can be used in MCP if required)

Office supplies available from Pincher Office supply (charge to PC SAR and list incident name)
Return all maps to map drawer and confirm against inventory list

Readying: Media

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to
Request Tasking Agency to issue media release

Readying: WCB

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to
Complete and file any required WCB claims for injured searchers

Readying: CISM

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to

Critical Incident Stress Defusing

Schedule CIS Defusing session and advise all search participants

Schedule within 12 - 36 hrs of incident completion (in evening is best)

Consider family / job / time constraints on individual searchers

Readying: Equipment

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to

Sign out

Review equipment sign-out sheet for equipment not returned
Review equipment sign-out sheet for equipment not in good shape

SAR Equipment Returned?


Confirm units returned
Check for full battery indicator; replace if needed
Working condition?

FRS Radios

Verify all returned
Verify all working
Check for full battery indicator; replace if needed


Verify sufficient stock of AA batteries

VHF Radios

Confirm all units returned
Working condition?
All batteries recharged? (After every search)
Returned to Firehall?
Returned to Agency? (if borrowed)

Satellite Phones

Verify all returned
Verify all working
Verify all batteries charged


Verify all returned
Verify all working
Verify each has tracking turned off
Verify all batteries charged

Photocopier Printer

Verify all parts returned. Restock. Verify Working. See PCSAR Doc-98

Supplies dispensed to searchers

Verify still have at least 6 rolls of flagging tape marked "SEARCH & RESCUE" in each of at least 4 colours. Reorder if not.

Mobile Command Post

Fuel mobile command post
All radios turned off?
Clean and remove garbage

SAR Truck

Fuel truck
Plug in block heater (winter)
Turn off 2-way radio
Verify trailer is locked

Subject Evacuation Equipment

Rescue Sleigh and stretcher in good shape and returned to equipment trailer
Quad Trailer and stretcher in good shape and returned to equipment trailer
Yellow Anchorman wheel and stretcher in good shape and returned to equipment trailer
Orange packaging kit (backboard, with inventory list) in good shape and returned to equipment trailer

Rope Rescue Equipment

6 bags returned to equipment trailer; any with broken seals inventoried and inspected

Swiftwater Rescue Equipment

Bags returned to equipment trailer; any with broken seals inventoried and inspected


Store and preserve left over food and drink

Other Equipment Returned (note type and details as per above)


Establish Lost & Found List

Circulate to all groups

Incident Follow Up

Follow Up: Administrative Tasks

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to

Back in Service Notifications

Close provincial tracking number by recording incident as complete in D4H

Follow Up: Financial

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to

Charge back

Determine if PC SAR will charge for this operation (usually yes, there have been a few exceptions)
Identify tasking agency for billing purposes. Provide info to Administrator. y
Determine or negotiate rates with tasking agency
Inform other teams of Tasking Agency's expense procedures

Expense Sheets

Collect expense forms from all PC SAR members

Collect expense information on

  • MCP
  • SAR Truck
  • Equipment Trailer
  • Briefing Trailer
  • Damaged / lost equipment
  • Satellite phone
  • Replacement supplies
Collect expense information on SAR Truck - mileage
Collect expense information on Equipment Trailer - usage
Bill Tasking agency

Follow Up: Record Keeping

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to


Get copy of files from last search manager (may be another SAR group)
Make colour photocopies/photographs of mylar covering map to preserve content - store in binder
Gather and organize search materials / forms used and add to SAR binder. Keep at least one copy of each paper
Sort by operations period
Group into manager, planning, logistics, operations
Copy Rapid Notify records. Remove used alerts and messages from active list (put in archive section).


Determine whether Tasking Agency wants to keep originals of files
Scan documents to wiki or make colour photocopies for our records if giving originals to tasking agency. Consider scanning anyway for easier future reference.

Follow Up: Reporting

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to

Permission to share

Obtain permission from the Tasking Agency to share information
Obtain permission from the Office of the Fire Commissioner to share information


Sign in sheet
List who came from each organization, what op periods they attended
List total # of different resources used
List total hours on search
Search statistics to researchers
Copy of sign in list to Administrator for members' participation records


Prepare PCSAR's internal Incident Report (PCSAR Doc-126)
Complete last 2 pages of report and submit to RCMP / Tasking Agency
Create entry for incident on the wiki

File incident report on D4H.

See Members:D4H/PCSAR.ca.d4h.org/Data/Incident

Incident Brief

Summary (1 - 2 paragraph) of incident for SAR binder

see http://pcsar.webhop.org/zope/wiki/CritiqueTask

Follow Up: Critique

see Critique http://pcsar.webhop.org/mediawiki/index.php/Critiques

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to
Recruit manager who was not involved with incident to chair critique
Schedule critique time and location
Advise call out team to notify searchers
Advise outside resources / groups
Advise RCMP / tasking agency
Critique chair writes report of critique suggestions.
Critique report distributed to all participants and committees/organizations suggestions referred to.

Follow Up: Incident Review

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to

Pre-Plan / Search Managers Team

Review Incident
Action Identified Items


Review Incident
Action Identified Items

Thank you's

Thank individuals and organizations that supported the effort.

Follow Up: Miscellaneous

Action Completed Won't do n/a Assigned to

Update this document.

Make changes so it will be easier for next time it has to be used.


Sign off

Sheet Completed by:

  • Search Manager (name):
  • Date:
  • Signature:

Co-Signed by:

  • Overhead Team Member (name):
  • Date:
  • Signature: