2018-02-23 Cochrane Wilderness Survival


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[edit] Announcement

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Cochrane SAR invites Pincher SAR members to attend a wilderness survival course based on the recent "Froster Flier" training from the Canadian military. Tight registration deadline.

Hi All

On the return journey from the Frosted Flyer exercise myself and two Cochrane SAR Members decided to build a curriculum and run a 48 Hour Wilderness Survival Course at the end of February. Initially it was to be for CSAR Members only but as we drove home, wrote notes and extrapolated on the idea, we actually wanted to make this available to a larger SAR Team audience.

Hence why this email is going to Sundre SAR, Didsbury SAR, CSAR, CALSARA, Badlands SAR, FSAR, SEASAR, LASARA and Pincher Creek SAR.

The Frosted Flyer exercise was exceptional and really drove home the importance of wilderness & survival preparedness for GSAR. Myself, Teresa and Ranger took a lot away from the course and had a few revisions to make to switch the focus of the course from 'downed pilot' to SAR Teams who need to 'go firm' in the bush. Rather than the typical 24hr which some of us train for, the 48hr REALLY emphasized more great learnings.

The objectives of this course are to:

1) Develop the material taught and practiced in Frosted Flyer to focus on GSAR

2) Prepare the material into editable and free hard copy and electronic materials for each attending member to return to their team with (allowing them to use/bastardize/develop within their own teams)

3) Have the material reviewed by Frosted Flyer (2016 & 2018) attendees in our Regions for feedback, further development

4) Receive direct feedback from participants on the course for further development - what worked/didn't work?

5) Compile the responses and material to be sent to Mike Cook for his use in the creation of his 'SAR Bible' and to the individual tasked with creating the wilderness survival component - for their use/bastardization

6) Build relations within our Region (SC Central) and to push this out to teams from other Regions who form secondary response for callouts

7) Give each attending team an equal platform from which we can all train, or augment our training, to really focus on strengthening GSAR survival training and, frankly, GSAR survivability in the field should the need ever arise

Therefore, each team has one spot with an additional spot going to CSAR, CALSARA and FSAR.

The ideal candidate: 1) A very active member who is willing to put the theory into practice and return to their team to develop this further suited to the teams' needs and response area

2) Someone who genuinely wants to work with their training section/committee to use the first hand experience to augment their SAR Basics, Team Leader or general survival training

3) Preferably a high interest in wilderness survival and a confidence to be able to head out with their 24hr pack and live in pretty crappy conditions for two days

4) Who can meet the course dates and times without requesting to show up late/bug out early

5) Not attended Frosted Flyer in 2016 or 2018 (Frosted Flyer attendees can support at a later date) Note: while a lot of ex-military/police/avid back countryers/contractors may want to jump on this - be mindful that those individuals can actually support the Teams' representatives further down the line

Course Outline: Sunday Feb 18 @ Cochrane Protective Services 14:00 to 18:00 - Theory & Classroom Component Note 1: Receive 24hr pack list, understand what will be happening, time to prep Note 2: SEASAR, LASARA and Pincher Creek will be given e-learning material (so they don't have to travel up for this)

Friday Feb 23 @ CSAR HQ at 12:30 (depart at 13:00 on site at 14:00) - practical exercise Sunday Feb 25 @ CSAR HQ at 13:00 - return from exercise

Option: discounted hotel rates for Sunday Feb 25 in Cochrane for people wishing to stay over for a small social afterwards (and have a shower)

Cost: $50 per person Deposit of $100 per person with 50% to be returned upon completion of the course Note 1: further expenses will be covered by a donor outside of SAR (this has been confirmed) Note 2: fuel/mileage is not paid by for by CSAR or donor

NEXT STEPS: Please respond with your participating Team Members name and email address by no later than Feb 7, 2018. No response = no spot on the course for your team and it will be issued to another team.

My thanks all

Andy Potton South Central Regional Director 403.835.6984

[edit] Booking

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[edit] Participants

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[edit] Equipment

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[edit] Feedback

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[edit] To do

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