SAR Fundamentals/Evening 4 start-up/Content Review


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  1. On a search, are you more likely to become physically or mentally tired first?

  2. What does declination mean?

  3. How accurate (in meters) is a GPS with and without WAAS?

  4. Is a GPS effective in a heavy blizzard?

  5. How far apart are searchers in a type 3 search?

  6. After how much time does quality of searching begin to wane for an individual?

  7. How many active search techniques are there for searching by foot?

  8. If you wanted as close to 100% POD as possible, what type of search would you use?

  9. What does a confinement team do?

  10. What is a search cube?

  11. Can pacing be practical when measuring distance?

  12. What are the 4 mental steps of emergency management? (Hint - STOP)

  13. Name water treatment methods.

  14. What are 5 mechanisms by which your body looses heat?

  15. What percent of you body heat do you lose from your head?

  16. Should you drink water straight out of a stream?

  17. What can you potentially get from untreated water?

  18. List 2 potential hazards when SAR responds to a disaster, with collapsed buildings.

  19. What direction should you point your antenna?

  20. What is the proper radio term for "end of transmission. I expect a reply"?

  21. Why are water searches considered high urgency?

  22. Name some safety guidelines for a search near water?

  23. Name 4 different types of specialized vehicles used in SAR.

  24. What does PLB stand for? What does it do?

  25. When searching for a child in an urban setting, how should the residence be treated?

  26. What is the 300-meter rule?

  27. What is the first sign of hypothermia?

  28. When should you not thaw a frost bite?

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