SAR Fundamentals/Evening 4 start-up/Content Review


< SAR Fundamentals | Evening 4 start-up
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Student Name:


  1. Is a GPS effective in a heavy blizzard?

  2. Name 4 different types of instruments used to help navigate for ground SAR.

  3. Can you use a South American compass in North America?

  4. Describe a Type 4 search

  5. Name and describe the principal characteristic of the 5 types of active search techniques.

  6. How far apart are searchers in a type 3 search?

  7. After how much time does quality of searching begin to wane for an individual?

  8. How many active search techniques are there for searching by foot?

  9. If you wanted as close to 100% POD as possible, what type of search would you use?

  10. Can pacing be practical when measuring distance?

  11. The ability to critically self-reflect is an important element of survival? True or False.

  12. What's the minimum amount of hours of sleep a responder should have?

  13. What are the layers in layered clothing? What does each layer do?

  14. Does cotton work well for cold wet weather?

  15. What should you always carry for personal hygiene in case there is no water to wash with?

  16. How can chemically poisoned water be made safe to drink?

  17. How thick must ice be for a vehicle to drive on it?

  18. What is the number one killer outdoors?

  19. Name the 3 degrees of freezing injuries.

  20. What are some basic pieces of equipment used by SAR responders in a water search?

  21. What do you do to your pack before crossing a stream or river?

  22. What are the two most common animals used in SAR?

  23. What are the benefits of LED lights over older forms of lighting?

  24. Name some hazards in an urban SAR setting.

  25. What is the next step after completing the search of a floor of a building?

  26. What is an advantage of simplex?

  27. What does the word "repeat" mean on the radio? How do you ask someone to repeat their last transmission?

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