SAR Fundamental/Day 6 start up/Content Review


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  1. If you are standing directly between two landmarks, can you use them to triangulate your position?

  2. On a topo map, would a route with multiple brown lines close together be a good choice? Explain.

  3. What is talus?

  4. List two characteristic behaviours of hunters.

  5. Typically will Alzheimer sufferers know that they are lost?

  6. Name 3 things that you would fill out or ask on a briefing.

  7. What should you do if a point of the briefing is not clear?

  8. What is the role of the Team Leader?

  9. What is the primary responsibility of the Team Leader?

  10. What is jump tracking?

  11. What is the worst time of day to track?

  12. Define probability of detection

  13. Do inexperienced searchers tend to over estimate, under estimate, or correctly estimate their POD?

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