Task/List/Develop a plan of monthly meeting training subjects/Draft


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[edit] Draft schedule of regular training

  • Apr 2, 2013: navigation
Suggestion Value to PCSAR mandate Difficulty to implement Description
2013-02-23 Mock/Critque/Sug/0017 not rated not rated we need to keep our GPS skills fresh
  • May 7, 2013: First Aid
    • Cover basic Primary/Secondary Survey
    • Also packaging the patient
    • Patient transport
Suggestion Value to PCSAR mandate Difficulty to implement Description
2012-10-02 Mock/Critque/Sug13 not rated not rated Recommend first aid review
2013-02-23 Mock/Critque/Sug/0008 not rated not rated training in SAR Fund class didn't prep for packaging
Critiques/2010-03-21/Sug/0039 high not rated decision making around patient transport
Critiques/2010-08-24/Sug/0009 high medium Subject removal and evacuation planning.
  • Jun 4, 2013: H2S protocol; Dog Training
Suggestion Value to PCSAR mandate Difficulty to implement Description
2012-10-02 Mock/Critque/Sug28 not rated not rated use of dog in urban search; can handle large area
  • Jul 2, 2013: mock search
  • Aug 6, 2013: no training - BBQ
  • Sep 3, 2013: equipment orientation
    • include Command Post
Suggestion Value to PCSAR mandate Difficulty to implement Description
2012-10-02 Mock/Critque/Sug15 not rated not rated Need instructions on driving the MCP
Critiques/2010-08-24/Sug/0005 medium easy ensure that all drivers can back up and haul out the SAR trailer
  • Oct 1, 2013: mock search
  • Nov 5, 2013: no training - AGM/social
  • Dec 3, 2013: Leadership
Suggestion Value to PCSAR mandate Difficulty to implement Description
2012-10-02 Mock/Critque/Sug35 not rated not rated Need clarity when 2 teams come under one team leader
Critiques/2009-05-05/Sug13 medium not rated Discussion of degree of discretion to work outside assigned segment. Suggest need for clarification of when should talk to command post vs. decide on own.
Critiques/2010-08-24/Sug/0010 high medium clarify roles and command structure/hierarchy when several agencies are involved in/responding to the same incident.
Critiques/2010-08-24/Sug/0021 high easy No PCSAR team leader in the field.
  • Jan 7, 2014: winter skills - avalanche
Suggestion Value to PCSAR mandate Difficulty to implement Description
2013-02 SAR Fundamentals/Suggestions/Sug/0001 not rated not rated training practice on fire starting
2013-02-23 Mock/Critque/Sug/0009 not rated not rated need more familiarity with equipment and procedure re rescue sleigh
  • Feb 4, 2014: Comms skills
Suggestion Value to PCSAR mandate Difficulty to implement Description
2012-10-02 Mock/Critque/Sug30 not rated not rated need training on radio protocol
2013-02-23 Mock/Critque/Sug/0035 not rated not rated don't be too distracted by radio traffic of other teams
Critiques/2009-05-05/Sug20 not rated not rated Suggest everyone get experience of working comms and command post
Critiques/2009-09-23/Sug/0007 low not rated We need to have more instruction for use of sat phone.
Critiques/2010-03-21/Sug/0016 medium not rated too much radio traffic - finish conversation / standby
Critiques/2010-03-21/Sug/0021 medium not rated being able to state urgency level of comm
Critiques/2010-03-21/Sug/0022 medium not rated "Stand by" does not mean stop activity
Critiques/2010-08-24/Sug/0012 not rated not rated Training in the use of PCES radio channels (1& 2) as well as in the “Mutual Aid” channel.
  • Mar 4, 2014:
  • Apr 1, 2014:
  • May 6, 2014:
  • Jun 3, 2014:

[edit] Other ideas

  • Search techniques
Suggestion Value to PCSAR mandate Difficulty to implement Description
Critiques/2010-03-21/Sug/0037 medium not rated type 1 search on narrow trail: walk 1 behind the other, 1 look forward, 1 left, 1 right
  • Family
Suggestion Value to PCSAR mandate Difficulty to implement Description
Training/Committee/Tasks/Own suggestions/Sug1 not rated not rated develop training on being a family liaison
  • Spontaneous volunteers
Suggestion Value to PCSAR mandate Difficulty to implement Description
Training/Committee/Tasks/Own suggestions/Sug2 not rated not rated develop training on dealing with spontaneous volunteers
  • Media
Suggestion Value to PCSAR mandate Difficulty to implement Description
Training/Committee/Tasks/Own suggestions/Sug3 not rated not rated develop training on dealing with media