2010-03 SAR Fundamentals/Schedule


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This is a trail schedule for the SAR Fundamentals course hosted by PCSAR.

It is intended to help instructors schedule their sections. It is not intended for students as a commitment of what will be taught when. Times are only approximate. Elements may be moved around.


Evening 1

Typically a Friday. 18:00-21:30

Introductions and Registration

0.5hr - 18:00-18:30

The SAR Role

1.0 hr - 18:30-19:30


0.25 hr - 19:30-19:45

Anatomy of an Incident

1.5hr 19:45-21:15


0.25 hr - 21:15-21:30
buffer for overruns
Q's, discussion, prep for next day, clean up

Day 2

Typically a Saturday. 09:00-17:00


0.5 hr - 09:00-09:30
sign in
exam on previous day's material

Ready Pack

1.0 hr - 09:30-10:30


0.25 - 10:30-10:45

Anatomy of an incident (cont)

0.5hr 10:45-11:15
SAR Mgmt video
"Initial Response" 27:30
spend time repacking my pack

Organization and Incident Command

0.5hr 11:15-11:45


0.25hr - 11:45-12:00
buffer for overruns



Navigation, part 1

4.5 hr - 12:30-17:00

Day 3

Typically a Sunday. 09:00-17:00


0.5 hr - 09:00-09:30
sign in
exam on previous day's material

Navigation, part 2, instruments - indoor

1.75hr - 09:30 - 11:30
includes break
0.25 - 10:30-10:45
SAR Fundamentals Ch.13 "Navigation"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: Ch.7 "Navigation"
stride count

Navigation, part 3, instruments - practical - stride count

0.25hr - 11:30-11:45
SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.13 "Navigation"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: Ch.7 "Navigation"

Assigned reading

0.25 hr - 11:45 - 12:00



Search Skills and Compass Practical

15:00 interrupt by avalanche call to CMR.

Had been split into 3 teams:

  • Team A - completed Compass, Type 2.
  • Team B - completed Type 1, Type 4.
  • Team C - completed Type 4, Compass.

Assigned Reading

See Readings.

Evening 4

Friday, 2 weeks after the previous weekend. 18:00-21:30


0.5 hr - 18:00-18:30
sign in
exam on previous day's material

Review assigned reading

0.45 hr - 18:30-19:15


0.25 hr - 19:15-20:30


0.45 hr - 19:30-20:15
SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.14 "Communications"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: F-4 "Communications"
see sar/pc/training/subject/sar-fundamentals/components/subject/05-communications

Navigation, part 3, instruments - practical - GPS

SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.13 "Navigation"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: Ch.7 "Navigation"
1.25 hr : 20:30-21:30

Day 5

Typically a Saturday. 08:30-17:00


0.5 hr - 08:30-09:00
sign in
exam on previous day's material

Briefing and debriefing

0.75 hr - 09:00-09:45
SAR Fundamentals Manual: Appendix D "Briefing and Debriefing Checklists"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: F-1 "Callout/Check-In"
see sar/pc/training/subject/sar-fundamentals/components/subject/07-briefing-debriefing

Search Team Leader

0.5hr - 09:45-10:15
2005-02 09:55-10:20 : 0.4h
Basic SAR Skills Manual: Ch.17 "Search Team Leader"
(add marshalling, sign-in)
see sar/pc/training/subject/sar-fundamentals/components/subject/06-team-leader


0.25hr - 10:15-10:30

First Aid

1.0 hr - 10:30-11:30
SAR Fundamentals Manual:
  • Ch.9 "Some Survival First Aid Considerations"
  • appendix B
Basic SAR Skills Manual:
  • Ch.11 "First Aid"
  • F-9 "Hypothermia"

Cold Weather SAR

0.5 hr - 11:30-12:00
  • Snowmobile / Winter SAR
    Basic SAR Skills Manual: F-10 "Snowmobile/Winter SAR"
  • Cold Weather Nutrition
    Basic SAR Skills Manual: F-8 "Cold Weather Nutrition"
  • Wind Chill Calculation
    Basic SAR Skills Manual: G-4 "Wind Chill Calculation Chart"



Lost person behaviour

0.5hr - 12:30-13:00
SAR Fundamentals Manual:
  • Ch.21 "Lost Person Behavior"
  • Appendix F "Lost Person Questionnaire"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: Ch.14 "Lost Person Behavior"
Lost person Questionnaire w/exercise


0.5hr - 13:00-13:30
SAR Fundamentals Manual:
  • Ch.23 "Tracking"
  • Appendix C "Track ID Form"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: Ch.18 "Tracking"
Tracking Form.

Search Skills and Compass Practical

13:30 marshal at MD Meeting room
  • regroup in teams from last time
    • Team A - completed Compass, Type 2 - moves to Type 4
    • Team B - completed Type 1, Type 4 - moves to Compass
    • Team C - completed Type 4, Compass - moves to Type 2
13:45 rotation 3
    • Team A - Type 4
    • Team B - Compass
    • Team C - Type 2
14:45 Type 2
15:45 Type 3
16:00 done


incorporated in above
0.25hr - moves to 16:15


0.50 hr - 16:15-16:45
SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.26 "Evacuation"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: Ch.23 "Rescue and Evacuation"
[include litter carry / perhaps patient packaging]


buffer for overruns
0.25hr - 16:45-17:00
Q's, prep for mock search

Evening 5

Typically the same Saturday evening.

18:30 marshal at MD meeting room, convoy to Eric Bruder's ranch

19:00-22:00 evening mock search

Day 6

Sunday. 08:30-17:30


0.75 hr - 08:30-09:00
SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.16 "Stress in SAR"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: F-3
(Floating Stone Video)


1.0 hr - 09:00-10:00
2006-09-30 09:26 - 10:15
2005-02 08:50 - 10:05
2008-02-07 10:00 - 2008-02-07 10:34
critique of night search


0.25 - 10:00-10:15


0.5 hr - 10:15-10:45
verify sign in
distribute course evaluations
exam on previous day's material

Search Probability Theory

0.75hr - 10:45-11:30
SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.22 "Search Probability Theory"
Basic SAR Skills Manual:
  • Ch.12 "Search Management Crucials"
  • Ch.13 "Search Area/Confinement"
Search Area / Confinement

Foot Travel Skills

0.25hr - 11:30-11:45
2006-09-30 14:15 - 14:27
SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.12 "Travel Skills: Foot Travel for the SAR Worker"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: Ch.8 "Foot Travel"


0.25hr - 11:45-12:00




0.75 - 12:30-13:15
SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.7 "Emergency Survival Skills - Improvising"
Basic SAR Skills Manual:
  • Ch.25 "Short Term Survival Skills"
  • F-17 "PSAR"
prevention, trip plan
video Share The Responsibility


0.75hr - 13:15-14:00
2005-02 10:40 - 11:40
SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.29 "Helicopter in SAR"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: F-6 "Helicopter Operations"
Helicopter operations video

Air Observer Guidelines

1 hr - 14:00-15:00
2005-02 12:45 - 13:20
2006-09-30 13:12 - 14:15
SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.28 "Air Operations Observer"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: F-7 "Air Observer Guide"


0.25 - 15:00-15:15

Evidence handling

0.5 hr - 15:15-15:45

Legal Aspects

0.5hr - 15:45-16:15

External influences

0.5hr - 16:15-16:45
SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.30 "Handling External Influences"
(family, media, politics)


0.5 hr - 16:45-17:15
exam on day's material

Wrap up

0.25 hr - 17:15-17:30
  • certificates, congratulations
  • log books
  • going forward
    • maintaining certification
    • joining SAR groups
      • SAR Alberta
    • other training that is possible
  • return lent texts, compasses
  • return cheques

not covered

The following material is not explicitly scheduled and where appropriate will be covered in earlier sections.

Navigation - Lat/Long

0.75 hr
SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch13
SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.13 "Navigation"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: Ch.7 "Navigation"

Rationale to not include: SAR workers only use lat/long when interfacing with members of the public and air searchers. Conversion to UTM can be accomplished by a suitably trained person in the planning section.

Navigation - Legal Land Description, Road Numbering System, Municipal Approach Numbering System

1.5 hr
2006-09-30 10:15 11:45
SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.13 "Navigation"
Basic SAR Skills Manual: Ch.7 "Navigation"

Rationale to not include: SAR workes only use LLD and its derivatives when navigating to the search site and interfacing with the public and municipal workers. Navigation by LLD is a difficult skill to maintain. Conversion to UTM can be accomplished by a suitably trained person in the planning section.

Rope rescue

1.25 hr
SAR Fundamentals Manual:
  • Ch.24 "Rope Rescue Equipment"
  • Ch.25 "Rope Related Skills"
Basic SAR Skills Manual:
  • Ch.21 "Rope Rescue Equipment"
  • Ch.22 "Rope Knots and Skills"
related skills-exercise on knots

Rationale to not include: To assist in a rope rescue takes considerably more training than can be included in this course.

Mountain Bike SAR

Basic SAR Skills Manual: F-12 "Mountain Bike SAR"

Rationale to not include: A speciality not often encountered.