Board of Directors/2016-09-06/Minutes


< Board of Directors | 2016-09-06(Difference between revisions)
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Current revision (21:21, 3 October 2016) (edit) (undo)
(Administrator's Report)
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=== Administrator's Report ===
=== Administrator's Report ===
The last of Casino purchases have been brought across the border and put in inventory.
The last of the casino purchases have been brought across the border and put in inventory.
'''Moved''' by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Gruijic that
'''Moved''' by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Gruijic that

Current revision

[edit] Status of this document

This document is a draft. It has not yet been adopted by the board.

[edit] Attending


Absent with Regret:

Quorum was achieved.


[edit] Meeting

[edit] Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 17:35 on September 6, 2016.

Brett Wuth chaired the meeting. Minutes recorded by Susanna MacGarva.

[edit] Agenda

Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Frank Melo that the Agenda be adopted as presented. Carried.

[edit] Past Minutes

Moved by John MacGarva, seconded by Frank Melo that the minutes of the July 26, 2016 board meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.

Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Frank Melo that the minutes of the August 2, 2016 board meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.

Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by John MacGarva that the minutes of the August 29, 2016 board meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.

[edit] Audit

Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Brett Wuth that Adam Gross and Cindy Mauthe, be appointed auditors for the 2015-2016 financial year. Carried.

[edit] Fundraising/Budget

Regional funding will be centralized and may result in less funds for our group will be available.

Igor and Brett are presenting a 2-year budget request to the Town and MD councils on September 20.

Shell Community Service funding is restricted to capital purchases. Their Social Investment Fund can fund training.

[edit] Administrator's Report

The last of the casino purchases have been brought across the border and put in inventory.

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Gruijic that the 2015-2016 Budget be amended to include a category for Recruitment/Retention at $300. Carried.

[edit] Financial Statements

Susanna presented the financial statements.

Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Frank Melo, that the Financial Statements be accepted as information.

[edit] Approval of Payments over $500 or Outside Budget

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic, that payment of $700.70 to MacGarva Company Ltd. for Inv #370 Jul 2016 be approved. Carried.

[edit] Incidents

Brett reported that there were two calls. Neither developed into a tasking.

2016-08-25 Red Rock to CMR: We were given a heads-up of a party late in arriving at the ski hill from Red Rock. The critique for this incident will be on September 20, 2016.

2016-08-31 Standoff 3 yr old : Lethbridge SAR gave us a heads up of a search for a 3 year old girl. She was found shortly afterwards.

[edit] Liaison

Brett is waiting to met with the Pincher Creek RCMP detachment and with CNP Fire/Rescue.

[edit] Training

Brett reviewed the training announcements.

The provincial training grant application is due at the end of the September. The South region will be submitting a single application headed by SEASAR.

[edit] Membership

Still waiting for one board member's Criminal Record Review.

[edit] Equipment

The SAR Truck as not refueled after the last search. The MCP was refueled which it shouldn't have been, because of concern of summer fuel still being in the tank during winter.

The generator in the equipment trailer is difficult to start. There was discussion of who could repair it.

The old generator from the old MCP is likely to be classified as surplus equipment and sold or given away.

Brian is going to drain the Briefing Trailer and MCP of water in preparation for winter.

The Briefing Trailer needs signage, which costs about $200.

Brian discussed purchase of chain saw. He was asked to look first to the Equipment Committee's existing budget, and if that's insufficient then bring it back to the board. There was some discussion of training that would be needed.

Brian emphasized the need to recruit a new equipment manager.

[edit] Adjournment

The next meeting will be October 4 at 17:30 at the Pincher Creek Fire Hall.

Moved by Frank Melo, seconded by Brett Wuth to adjourn. Carried.

The meeting adjourned at 18:57.