Financial/Gaming Proceeds Manager/Role Description


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This page is based on the Role description template.

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Document status

Is this document a draft? Official?

This document is a DRAFT. It has not yet been approved by the Board.

Position description

Summarize what the role does within the organization.

The Gaming Proceeds Administrator develops and oversees a plan that meets AGLC requirements and Board goals for the Use of Proceeds from casinos. The Gaming Proceeds Administrator is an assistant to the Treasurer; if it is not filled by another person the responsibilities fall to the Treasurer and may be delegated to the Administrator as fits their role descriptions.

There is a related but separate role of Casino Chairperson. Both roles may be undertaken by the same person.


List the major areas of responsibilities.

Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Time

List what knowledge, skills, abilities and time are required or desired.


List what the organization supplies to help the person in this role.