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Revision as of 13:58, 17 November 2008

The PreplanCommitteeChair is appointed by the BoardCommittee considering the recommendation of the PreplanCommittee.

The current chair is BrettWuth. Past chairs have been EricBruder, BryanSundberg, JanetJones, BrettWuth.


  • Report to the BoardCommittee* Track the membership of the committee:
  • Provide list of members to the MembershipCoordinator so

the database and mailing list is updated.* Encourage committee members to participate in committee work* Remind each committee member of the tasks assigned* provide participation records to MembershipCoordinator (including subcommittees)* Organize the committee meetings:

  • Book the firehall for meetings. You can just write the date on

the whiteboard at the firehall; if there is a conflict, they will contact you. You can call Elaine on live phone (627-5333). E-mail is ineffective. (done for March 22)* Give a reminder phone call prior to each meeting* Prepare minutes of PreplanCommittee and distribute to PreplanCommittee and BoardCommittee* Track Committee Tasks (I'm doing this on the PreplanCommittee page.)

  • Keep a list of each task that has been assigned to the

committee, or the committee has chosen to take on.* Describe each task* Estimate amount of time for each task* Determine the priority order of tasks* Keep track of the status of each task.* Collect and organize result of each completed task. (Place in a binder.)* Keep the EmergencyCallers informed of who is ManagerOnCall for each month

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