Template:Incident Report


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== Summary ==
== Summary ==
{{Incident Report/Summary}}
{{Incident Report/Summary}}
Type of Incident: Search, Rescue, Search and Rescue, Evidence, Civil Emergency
== Edit status ==
== Edit status ==

Revision as of 21:07, 17 January 2011

This is a template for pages that are the post-event report for incidents. Include it by saving a blank page with

{{Subst:Incident Report}}

If you do, what you'll then get is this:

This page is based on the Incident Report template.

Use that template to make similar pages.

File number

How is this report identified? E.g., give the Tasking Agency and its file number.


Include a short summary of what happened and what the response was. Just enough to help the reader decide if this is the right incident or whether they want to read more.

Edit status

What is the status of this report? Draft? Final?

Purpose of report

The purpose of an incident report is to record

  • what happened
  • what were the response factors
  • the outcomes
  • lessons learned, strengths and weaknesses, and areas requiring attention.
  • recommended actions for improving service delivery

The report is used by the Pincher Creek Search and Rescue Society's Board in its governance of the organization. It is used by Pincher SAR in planning and prioritizing future work. Statistics are used to understand trends and patterns. The report is shared with Pincher SAR's Tasking Agencies and partner organizations to help improve future responses.

Information sources

Where did the information for this report come from?


What relevant plans were in place prior to the incident? What plans could have been used if they existed? What similar incidents have there been? How did the community and our SAR group identify the risks and then treat them (avoided, reduced, shared, and/or retained)?

Subjects' narrative

Tell the story from the subject's point of view. What were the root causes? How did it start? What did they do? How were they affected by the emergency response? What preparations, equipment and skills did they bring to the situation? (used for risk assessment, public education)

Responders' narrative

Tell the story from PCSAR's point of view. What was the initial information? What were the major response efforts? What were the major changes in the incident? What were the major difficulties? How was the key information received different from the actual facts? (suitable for a case study)



Describe the subjects for statistical purposes.

  • Subject 1:
    • Age:
    • Sex:
    • lost person profile category: snowmobiler
    • relationship to other subjects:
    • condition found in (help required):
      • stuck, extrication and assistance along way
      • lost and headed in wrong direction
    • found together with which other subjects:


Describe the area the search/incident area.


  • Type of terrain:
  • Initial Planning Point
    • Description:
    • Coordinates: NAD27 UTM U11 ...... (approx)

Find Subject 1:

  • Location
    • Description:
    • Coordinates: NAD 27 UTM U11 ...... (approx)
  • Distance from IPP: ... m (straight line)


List the time line for statistical purposes. When did the incident start? How long did it go on? When was the first organized response? When was PCSAR first notified? How long was PCSAR activated?

  • Date and time when subjects were first in trouble:
  • Date and time when people in communications with rest of the world learned of incident:
  • Date and time when first authority or response organization was notified:
  • Date and time when PCSAR first notified:
  • Date and time when PCSAR decision to respond (tasking):
  • Date and time when first PCSAR resource in field:
  • Date and time when subject 1 located:
  • Date and time when last PCSAR resource signed out:
  • Number of Operational Periods:


How many people were involved in the response? Total person-hours? Total costs? What major equipment/facilities? Break down by PCSAR, other individual organizations, tasking agencies, and spontaneous volunteers. What was the type of involvement? (e.g. heads-up)

  • Pincher Creek SAR
    • activation: heads-up, stand-by, turned-back, on-site
    • number of responders:
    • total hours:
  • Lethbridge SAR
  • Canadian Search Dog Association
  • Fernie SAR
  • Pincher Creek Emergency Services
  • Pincher Creek RCMP
  • Fernie/Sparwood RCMP
  • Blood Tribe Police
  • Waterton Park

See also

Link to/attach additional information of relevance. Sit-reps. Incident Action Plan updates. ICS roles. Detailed Event Log. Critique report. etc.

Follow-up actions

post-incident action items and follow-up process


Summarize the conclusions of the report. What went well. What to change for next time.

This section will be prepared based on comments received through the critique process.