Web Site Task


Revision as of 14:16, 17 November 2008 by Brett Wuth (Talk | contribs)
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The web site task involves:

  • hosting the web site, keeping the machine running:

PatNeumann* providing the pcsar.dyndns.org domain name: PatNeumann, BrettWuth[1] gives, as a free service, a DNS record for machines with a dynamic IP address. We use this service to attach pcsar.dyndns.org to PatNeumann's machine. The debian package ipcheck provides a script to update the DNS entry. The files in /etc/ipcheck and /etc/cron.d/dyndns and /etc/cron.daily/dyndns.org arrange to update the DNS registration once a day (if needed). pcsar.dyndns.org is registered under PatNeumann's dyndns account. Pat has the password. The password is stored in /etc/ipcheck/acct so that it can be used by the ipcheck package.

Occassionally pcsar.dyndns.org looses its DNS record. Pat has the password to reregister with dyndns.org. If I can't get ahold of Pat, I've temporarily worked around this by:

  • registering pcsar.dyndns.info with the IP address of Pat's

server* Adding records to /etc/apache/httpd.conf to accept the new domain name* Let people know to use the new domain instead* maintaining the web server software: BrettWuth* maintaining the static web site content: BrettWuth* organizing the dynamic (wiki) web site content: BrettWuth but anyone else can and should jump in at any time.* promoting the use of the web site: BrettWuth. I'm not doing this very well so far.