2012-10-02 Mock/Exercise plan/Residents exercise information


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Mock Witness

Thank you for agreeing to be a pretend witness as Pincher SAR practices its urban search skills. You will have important clues that will help develop the story as the team searches for the fictional subject. However, if you cannot be around, there are other ways we will introduce the same clues.

Do not show this information to any searchers. You will be interviewed by searchers and can let this information come out as you answer their questions. Feel free to 'ham it up' or to flesh out the story to make it feel more real. The search is for 'Brad Mussan', Age 68, 5'10", 155 lb, grey/brown wavy hai, wears glasses. The subject is being played by Brett Wuth, which might help you image the subject.

Brad is a long time resident of Pincher Creek. He recently was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and moved out of his home on the south hill into Vista Village. He used to work at Shell and was an active volunteer with the United Church.

At 6:30 p.m., please tie the provided strip of flagging tape around the door knob of your front door so it can be seen by searchers. This will let them know that your place is 'in on the game' and can be approached.

The searchers should question you about what you've seen, which is detailed below. If they don't, please call the 'pretend' police line 627-5804 at the time specified below and report it because you've heard rumours of a search and have become suspicious of what you witnessed earlier in the day or know.

The searchers should ask to search your yard. They will ask if they can search your garage or shed, these are common place to find a confused Alzheimer's sufferer. Only give your permission, if you feel comfortable. They should ask you to search your own house. The searchers should not enter your house. You don't need to do any real searching yourself, only pretend if you want to.

If you are unable to be around, but leave the flagging tape on your door, they will know that you've given your permission to search just your yard.

Because we're focusing on training for urban searches, additional teams may be sent to do a second search of your yard, so they get practice too. On the other hand, clues may lead the search effort to a different part of the town and no searchers may come. It should all be over by 9 p.m.

Thank you for volunteering to be a witness in this mock search. We hope you have fun with it and appreciate you helping our members to practice their skills.