2017-05-21 Wilderness Exercise


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[edit] Announcement

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Sunday May 21.

Wilderness exercise (hike) in the Whaleback Ridge. Leave Lethbridge 09:00. Meet at Pincher Creek Firehall at 10:00. Back in Pincher by 17:00. Friends, family, and members of other SAR groups welcome.

Trip lead: Matt Lynch.

A nice hike up the spine of Whaleback ridge (at the edge of the Bob Creek area). This will involve some route finding as I haven't gone this way before. A great chance to try out that shiny new GPS in your pocket.

Moderate fitness required. Expect 400m gain and up to 15kms return. Similar trips for effort level are Carbondale fire look out, Wall Lake or Forum Lake. The exception is we won't have a trail to follow.

Bring bear spray, air horns or bangers. I often find bear and cougar evidence in this area.

[edit] Booking

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[edit] File number

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[edit] Agenda

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[edit] Participants

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[edit] Record

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[edit] Equipment

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[edit] Financial

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[edit] Feedback

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[edit] To do

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