Board of Directors/2014-05-06


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This page is based on the Meeting template.

Use that template to make similar pages.


[edit] Booking

Meeting location, date, time and duration.

[edit] Participants

List who should participate and indicate for each person whether they've been invited, have confirmed or declined, and attended.

[edit] Agenda

Purpose of meeting or detailed agenda.


  • Action items status report
  • Emergency Preparedness Week
  • Add committee reports: Call-Out, Rope/Swiftwater Rescue
  • Criminal records check

[edit] Handouts

Any related documents distributed before or during the meeting.

[edit] Minutes

Rough notes or formal minutes of the meeting.

draft minutes

Brett's corrections:

Charleen's name is misspelt through out. Should be "een" not "ene".

4.1. Add "one of" to "Pincher SAR has _one of_ the largest number of participants". (I believe it was said that Calgary had more.)

4.3 Change "Lawyer Advices" to "Lawyer Advice"

I believe the motion was:

  Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Cindy Drake that Brian Balak be
  appointed to the Legal Advice Committee along with Dick Burnham and
  that the committee be additionally asked to research alternative
  ways of addressing the MOA and SAR Standard Operating Procedures
  and review the members concerns in regards to the December Search
  and the MOA.

The motion in the draft minutes left out Brian's appointment and gave the impression that the committee was no longer responsible for seeking legal advice.

4.3 should also add

 Action Item: Dick Burnham to contact Eric Bruder and keep him
 informed of progress on the issue.

6.4 The motion should say

  Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Nicole Boissenault that the Board
  authorize the purchase of 4 Swift Water Kits at a cost to be agreed
  upon via email.

The draft had said "at a cost authorized at a later date".

6.5 change "Thursday" to "Tuesday"

8 change "17.16" to "19:16"

[edit] Expenses

Receipts related to the meeting.

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