Board of Directors/2015-09-01/Minutes
Minutes of the Pincher Creek Search and Rescue Board of Directors for September 1, 2015.
[edit] Status of this Document
This document is a DRAFT copy. It has not yet been approved by the board.
[edit] Attending
- Fraser Smith (Acting Treasurer)
- Brett Wuth (President)
- John MacGarva (Director at Large)
Absent with regret
- Laverine Riviere (Director at Large) – phoned in; however, as quorum was established did not attend the meeting.
Non-Board Members/Guests
- Brian Balak
- Diann Piwek (Administrator)
[edit] Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 17:36. Brett Wuth chaired. Quorum was attained. Minutes were recorded by Diann Piwek.
[edit] Agenda
No additions to the Agenda.
Motion: Moved by Fraser Smith, seconded by John MacGarva that the Agenda be adopted as presented. Carried.
[edit] Minutes
Motion: Moved by Fraser Smith, seconded by Brett Wuth that the Minutes of the June 2, 2015 meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.
Minutes of the July 7, 2015 meeting were tabled until the next Board meeting. Carried.
Motion: Moved by Fraser Smith, seconded by Brett Wuth that the Minutes of the August 4, 2015 meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.
Motion: Moved by Fraser Smith, seconded by John MacGarva that the Minutes of the August 16, 2015 meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.
[edit] New Member Applications
Diann reported that there have been no new member applications.
[edit] Incidents
There have been no new incidents.
[edit] Financial
[edit] Financial Statements
Administrator's Report. Financial statements to August 15, 2015 were presented. Work is in progress finalizing fiscal year-end statements to August 31, 2015.
Motion: Moved by John MacGarva, seconded by Fraser Smith that the financial statements be accepted as information. Carried.
[edit] Approval of Cheques over $500 or outside budget
Motion: Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Fraser Smith that payment to Diann Piwek for cheque #1836, which replaces VOID cheque #1832, for the amount of $2256.18 be approved. Carried.
Motion: Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Fraser Smith that payment to Diann Piwek for cheque #1837 for the amount of $1560.88 be approved upon President's review. Carried.
[edit] Proposed Cheque Signing Policy #2015-01
Motion: Moved by John MacGarva, seconded by Fraser Smith that the proposed cheque signing policy #2015-01 be approved as amended. Carried.
[edit] Charitable Status
A letter has been received requesting a copy of 2013 financial statements.
Action Item: Diann will contact Revenue Canada and ask for clarification regarding PCSAR's standing and what documentation is required.
Brett discussed the status of the 2013 AGLC Casino funds extension.
[edit] Committee Reports
[edit] Fund Raising
Brett reported that the Joint Funding application for the Town/MD is in progress. The deadline for applications is September 9.
Motion: Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by John MacGarva to select Sue Gilchrist as the dual advisor for the 2016 AGLC Casino to be held on February 16/17. Carried.
[edit] Training
Brett reported on upcoming activities. Saturday, September 19th hike is at Beauvais Lake. Brett is working on the application for provincial GSAR which is due on September 30th.
[edit] Membership
Action: John will deliver his criminal records check to the PC RCMP.
Diann reported that she has been in contact with Jeff Feist regarding the ID badges as well as the Office of the Fire Commissioner. Jeff is locating his original submission to the OFC and states that the OFC now process ID badges for SAR organizations.
Action: Diann to follow up.
[edit] Equipment
The new flooring for the Command Post is being installed.
Brian was asked to gather estimates for equipment purchases after Brett receives approval from AGLC to spend the 2013 funds in the ATB account.
Action item: Brian to gather estimates on equipment purchases.
Action item: Brett to follow-up with AGLC regarding their decision on the 2013 Casino funding allowable expenditures.
[edit] Pre Plan
Brett reported that there have been no new items for discussion.
[edit] Technical Rescue
Brett was the only member to show at the August training meeting.
[edit] Call Out
Brett reported that there has been no response for additional membership participation.
[edit] Audit
Diann Piwek reported that the 2014 audit report has been distributed to membership.
Action: Diann will ensure that the 2014 audit report is uploaded to wiki once maintenance is complete.
Documentation is being gathered in order to be prepared for the fiscal year-end August 31st.
[edit] Action Item List
No action list was available due to the server maintenance.
[edit] Strategic Planning
Brett asked for ideas regarding how best to encourage member participation in scheduled meetings and training events. As it was near the end of the scheduled meeting time, this topic was tabled for further discussion.
[edit] Adjournment
Motion: Moved by John MacGarva, seconded by Brett Wuth that the meeting be adjourned at 19:00. Carried.
The next board meeting will be October 6, 2015.