Board of Directors/2016-07-05/Minutes


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[edit] Status of this document

This document is official. It has been adopted by the board at the 2016-08-02 meeting. It can be amended at any board meeting.

[edit] Attending


Absent with Regret:

Quorum was achieved.


[edit] Meeting

[edit] Call to order

The meeting was called to order at 17:30 on July 5, 2016.

Brett Wuth chaired the meeting. Minutes recorded by Susanna MacGarva administrator.

[edit] Agenda

Moved by Brett Wuth , seconded by Igor Grujic that the Agenda be adopted as presented. Carried

[edit] Past Minutes

Minutes of June 7 meeting were unavailable.

Moved by Frank Melo, seconded by John MacGarva that the minutes of the June 7, 2016 board meeting be tabled until the next Board meeting). Carried.

[edit] . New Member Applications

'Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by _John MacGarva that the following applicants be approved as Associate Members of the Society: William Forsyth. Carried.

[edit] Strategic Planning

The board continued discussion on what direction PCSAR will be taking in light of the growing requirements by SAR Alberta and the office of the Fire Commissioner. The board reviewed the feedback from the membership. The issue will be discussed further at the next Board of Directors meeting scheduled July 26th, 2016.

[edit] Incidents

None since last report.

[edit] Administrator's Report (Susanna)

We have received the last payment from the Pincher Creek RCMP for the Pincher Ridge response.

[edit] Financial

Financial Statements (Susanna) for the period ending 2016-04-30

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic that the Financial Statements be accepted as information. Carried.

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by John MacGarva that payment to refund the current account for the payment to Quality Inn by the Casino account be approved. Carried

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic that payment to refund the current account for the payment of insurance to the Town of Pincher Creek by the Casino account be approved. Carried.

[edit] Amendments to Current Budget

Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Brett Wuth that the current budget be amended by:

  1. . Adding the category "Administrator's Time - for Fundraising Committee" at $500;
  2. . Adding the category "Miscellaneous Expenses" at $100;
  3. . Increasing the category "Capital Purchase Rope Rescue (2013 casino)" from $2430 to $2900;
  4. . Increasing the category "Capital Purchase Wheeled Stretcher (2013 casino)" from $2000 to $3100.


[edit] Next Year's Budget

Igor, is still working on it

[edit] Liaison

Rocky Mountain House SAR issued a Challenge to all Alberta SAR groups:

Brett met the CNP Fire Chief. Two members Claus Burchert and Mike Taje are both paid search managers. 60 members interested and they intend to have them trained in SAR Basic. CNP will respond to SAR in Lynx Creek area which is in the Pincher Creek MD. This is not political -- whoever can responded the quickest. CNP ended up responding to Claresholm. Steve Debienne is the head of the CNP Search and Rescue.

Brett still has not met with the new PC RCMP Detactment will try met some time this month.

[edit] Fundraising

Igor: nothing to report.

[edit] Training

Moving forward with hosting an October SAR Basic course.

Critical Incident Stress Management Course offered in Lethbridge Sep 16&17,2016- 2 full days Saturday and Sunday.

[edit] Membership

Cecil Aardema passed away. He was one of the first members of PCSAR when it was intially formed. Laverine Riviere has picked up a sympathy card for the members to sign and send to his wife.

ID Cards: Lucas Gruba is taking the lead to complete what is necessary so the members who are missing ID's can get their cards.

August Social Date to be set. Susanna will contact the Legion to make arrangements to use Robbie Burns park. Then will send out a membership email to invite everyone. Casino volunteers are to be included.

[edit] . Equipment


Still waiting for the basket for wheeled Strecher to be delivered.

Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by John MacGarva that the mattress and cabinet from the Briefing Trailer be disposed of by offering them free to members that worked on the project, or to any member, or taking them to the dump, in that order. Carried.

[edit] Pre-Plan


[edit] Technical Rescue

Brett: Dan Earle taking lead on swift water.

[edit] Call Out

no report

[edit] Audit

Igor: Igor, still has not been able to contact Linda McGarva

[edit] Technology

Brett: nothing to report

[edit] Prevention

Brett: nothing to report

[edit] Adjournment

The next board meeting will be July 26, 2016 at 17:30 at the Pincher Creek Fire Hall.

Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Brett Wuth to adjourn. Carried.

The meeting adjourned at 19:00.

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