Board of Directors/2018-08-21/Minutes
[edit] Status of this document
The minutes were adopted as presented at the 2020-07-07 Meeting. They can be amended at any board meeting.
The 2018-09-04 meeting did not have quorum, and the motions of that meeting were not ratified.
[edit] Attending
- Brett Wuth (President)
- Igor Grujic (Secretary/Treasurer)
- Frank Melo (Director at Large)
Absent with Regret:
- Cindy Mauthe Drake (Director at Large)
Quorum was achieved.
- none
- none
[edit] Meeting
[edit] Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Brett.
Brett recorded the minutes.
[edit] Agenda
Moved by Frank Melo seconded by Igor Grujic that the Agenda be adopted as amended. Carried.
[edit] Minutes
Minutes of the previous meeting were not available.
[edit] Financial Statements
The Financial Statements were presented.
Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Frank Melo that the Financial Statements of May 31 be accepted as information. Carried.
[edit] Budget
Moved by Brett Wuth, seconded by Igor Grujic that the 2017-2018 Budget be amended by increasing the Bank Services category from $50.00 to $100.00. Carried.
[edit] Audit
Igor will approach Susanna and Claudia to make up the Audit Committee for the upcoming year end.
[edit] Adjournment
Next board meeting: September 4, 17:30
Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Frank Melo to adjourn. Carried.