Board of Directors/2020-05-19/Minutes


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[edit] Status of this document

This document is official. This document has been adopted by the board at the 2020-06-02 meeting. It can be amended at any board meeting.

[edit] Attending

Quorum was achieved.

[edit] Meeting

[edit] Call to Order

The meeting was called to order Igor Grujic at 1812. Sabrina Ryans recorded minutes.

[edit] Discussion

Reports on COVID-19 Capacity

Denis Hache: Jeff Feist - RCMP is assuming status quo in regards to tasking. Were not aware of stand-downs in the province by SAR orgs. Jeff and Denis will remain in touch as the situation evolves. K-Country Emergency Services - Business as usual for them, with a similar level of service. Waterton - Generally status quo, however there are longer delays to dispatch due to COVID-19 measures to protect staff. Likely will only be able to respond to one call at a time. This will impact their ability to respond as back-up to a tasking in the surrounding areas.

Nata: Calgary SAR - Met with Mark deMong from Calgary SAR on the phone. They shared their document and policy.

Action: Nata will upload the Calgary SAR COVID document. Board members will review and suggest change. The Administrator will send an email vote over the weekend.

[edit] Adjournment

Moved by Igor Grujic, seconded by Nick Morantz to adjourn.

  • Meeting was adjourned at 1838.
  • Next Board Meeting: June 2, 2020 at 1800hr via GoToMeeting.
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