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post ops
Suggestion #2: treat post op as another operational period. Hand off to another manager b/c last manager had completed last op period,.

Committee handling: preplan
Value to PCSAR mandate: medium
Difficulty to implement: easy

preplan: 2012-03-20 let last search manager decide if needs relief.

Facts about Critiques/2011-01-18/Sug2RDF feed
Committee handling Suggestion/Committee/List/preplan  +
Description treat post op as another operational period. Hand off to another manager b/c last manager had completed last op period,.  +
Difficulty to implement easy  +
Full page name Critiques/2011-01-18/Sug2  +
Sequence number 2  +
Suggestion list Critiques/2011-01-18  +
Value to PCSAR mandate medium  +
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