General Meetings/2016-06-28


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[edit] Booking

Meeting location, date, time and duration.

June 28 at 19:00. At the Pincher Fire Hall.

[edit] Participants

List who should participate and indicate for each person whether they've been invited, have confirmed or declined, and attended.

[edit] Agenda

Purpose of meeting or detailed agenda.

Tuesday June 28 at 19:00 (7pm) will be a general meeting for information and discussion of the changes mandated by the Province's OFC and SAR Alberta and how that will impact PCSAR. Probably at the firehall. We'll let you know if that changes.

[edit] Handouts

Any related documents distributed before or during the meeting.

[edit] Minutes

Rough notes or formal minutes of the meeting.

  • No formal motions were made, so no formal minutes recorded.

[edit] Expenses

Receipts related to the meeting.

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