Rate Sheet


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Pincher Creek Search and Rescue has set of standard rate it charges Tasking Agencies. The same rates are paid to our members.

We do not want Tasking Agencies to hesitate to call upon us when needed. If these charges are a concern, please contact us.

Service  ↓Rate  ↓Last Revised  ↓
Personnel timeno charge - volunteer
Mobile Command Post$250.00/day plus the Federal Mileage Rate2013-05-07
Use of Member Quads$30.00/rolling hour2016-04-05
Use of Member Snowmobile$30.00/rolling hour 2016-04-05
Use of Member Road Vehicle (includes carpooling to incident site) Federal Mileage Rate 2016-05-03
Equipment Trailer, including use of all equipment carried $125.00/day 2016-07-26

"Federal Mileage Rate" refers to the National Joint Council mileage rates used by the Federal Treasury Board for travel on government business. It can be found at http://www.njc-cnm.gc.ca/directive/d10/v238/s658/en#s658-tc-tm

The mileage rate is adjusted four times a year.

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