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Critiques/2009-05-05/Sug1 +, Critiques/2009-05-05/Sug2 +, Critiques/2009-05-05/Sug3 +,  Suggestion list


Description  Not able to get call-out people on incidents. Suggest have lead call-out coordinator on-call for month or 2 week period like manager-on-call. Suggest get more call-out people., Using old call out list. Confusion when coordinating with other call-out person. Some people called twice. Suggest use same list. Suggest having index by name and split index., Merging teams can cause confusion in command/reporting structure. Suggest clear language of merging vs. working together. Suggest switch to single FRS channel for new team., Suggest get gel pens which won't freeze., Map becoming available only after given assignment relative to locations is sometimes confusing. Suggest map orientation should be first., Debriefing forms don't match urban context. Suggest rework wording., Suggest have minimum of 2 people approach door for member safety and to give assurance of legitimacy to resident, Suggest when urban searching at night have patrol vehicle or other equipped with alley lights and search lights accompany teams to speed up searching of front yards and vehicles. Could expect Pincher RCMP to support in this way., Suggest having roving support vehicle for urban search teams for food, water, warming, transport, Suggest mark sidewalk with chalk in urban search to indicate what has/hasn't been searched by which team, Suggest wear reflective vests for urban night search for higher visibility vs normal street clothes. Makes team seem less suspicious when seen by resident in their yard, Suggest search areas that are difficult can be reexamined by strategically spotting from point of advantage. E.g. thick brush along creek spotted from other side., Discussion of degree of discretion to work outside assigned segment. Suggest need for clarification of when should talk to command post vs. decide on own., Suggest when spotting subject, maintain visual contact until part of party approaches. Can lose perspective as approach., Having many people approach Alzheimer sufferer likely to cause trauma, Suggest use rope as belay line when extracting stretcher on slope, Suggest continued use of carpooling to search in e.g. Lethbridge. Better safety on way back when tired, Suggest having arrangement to call-in when driving alone back from a tiring search (e.g. night search). To confirm safe arrival, Suggest encourage members in field to discuss overhead decisions after search as learning opportunity, Suggest everyone get experience of working comms and command post, Suggest better learning if everyone can see handling of first approach to subject.

Difficulty to implement  medium, not rated, hard, done, easy

Full page name  Critiques/2009-05-05

Review  tasked

Sequence number  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Value to PCSAR mandate  high, none, low, not rated, medium

Committee handling  Suggestion/Committee/List/membership +, Suggestion/Committee/List/unassigned +, Suggestion/Committee/List/training +, Suggestion/Committee/List/preplan +

Categories  Committee membership +, Committee preplan +, Committee training +, Committee unassigned +, Difficulty done +, Difficulty easy +, Difficulty hard +, Difficulty medium +, Difficulty not rated +, Review/Brett Wuth +, Suggestion compendium +, Value high +, Value low +, Value medium +, Value none +, Value not rated +


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