Members:2020-06-20 Woolford 4 year old/Critque/Sug/0015


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 Members:2020-06-20 Woolford 4 year old/Critque/Sug/0015

Description  The lack of a common radio channel was a problem. SEASAR searchers could only communicate with their own command post. A SAR radio channel, in common with all southern Alberta SARs would be an advantage.

Difficulty to implement  not rated

Full page name  Members:2020-06-20 Woolford 4 year old/Critque/Sug/0015

Sequence number  15

Value to PCSAR mandate  not rated

Committee handling  Suggestion/Committee/List/board +

Suggestion list  2020-06-20 Woolford 4 year old/Critique +

Categories  Committee board +, Difficulty not rated +, Suggestion +, Value not rated +


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