Members:Critiques/2012-04-25 Honda CRV/Suggestions/Sug8


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 Members:Critiques/2012-04-25 Honda CRV/Suggestions/Sug8

Description  PCSAR Forms PCSAR forms were easy to use and were used by the spontaneous volunteers in their own individual search for the missing couple.

Difficulty to implement  done

Full page name  Members:Critiques/2012-04-25 Honda CRV/Suggestions/Sug8

Sequence number  8

Value to PCSAR mandate  not rated

Committee handling  Suggestion/Committee/List/unassigned +

Suggestion list  Critiques/2012-04-25 Honda CRV/Suggestions +

Categories  Committee unassigned +, Difficulty done +, Suggestion +, Value not rated +


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