SAR Fundamentals/Survival skills


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{{prompt|What can others do with this lesson?}}
{{prompt|What can others do with this lesson?}}
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Revision as of 17:36, 2 March 2012

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What is this lesson plan about?


List who wrote this lesson plan.


What is included in this lesson, what's not and why.

SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.7 "Emergency Survival Skills - Improvising"
Basic SAR Skills Manual:
  • Ch.25 "Short Term Survival Skills"
  • F-17 "PSAR"


At the conclusion of this lesson the participants:

  1. will be able to ...

Time Plan

Total Time: 45 minutes

Time Material


3 min

Introduce topic title

Introduce Instructor

Present Objectives


instructional points in normal font

aids, exercises, activities in italic

  • Run through FOG SAR slides chapter 25
  • hand out trip plan broschures
  • discuss prevention
prevention, trip plan

  • Body Management is a skill in maintenance and control of limited essential body resources and problem solving capabilities[1]
  • Survival requires maintaining a ~positive mental attitude~. [1]
    • the will to live [1]
    • problem solving ability [1]
    • PMA alone is not sufficient [1]
    • how to produce
      • education [1]
      • training [1]
      • practice
      • experience [1]
  • brain is most important survival tool [1]
  • survival priorities [1]
    • PMA
    • Air
    • Shelter
    • Rest
      • 30 hours [3]
    • Water
    • Food
    • Rule of 3's
  • Whole person concept: both mental and physical processes work in unison [1]
  • Conservation of existing body resources [1]
    • water [1]
    • energy [1]
    • heat [1]
  • mental step of Emergency Management [1]
    • STOP [1]
    • Stop [1]
      • Stop at first sign of danger, to give time to think [2]
    • Think [1]
      • think about immediate and future dangers [2]
    • Observe [1]
      • size up situation [2]
    • Plan [1]
  • controlling fear [1]
    • many strategies [1]
    • face head-on [1]
    • recognize as natural [1]
    • establish nature/cause of fear [1]
    • in self [1]
      • do not physically or mentally run away [1]
      • take control of the situation; don't let it control you [1]
      • expand your comfort zone [1]
      • be prepared, realize it can happen to you [1]
      • have procedures to keep busy mentally or physically [1]
      • realistic goals [1]
      • teamwork [1]
      • affirmative self-talk [1]
      • spiritual faith[1]
      • be informed [1]
      • keep things in perspective [1]
  • in others [1]
    • mutual support [1]
    • leadership [1]
    • avoid resentment [1]
    • avoid chiding [1]
    • accept other's limits [1]
    • comfort [1]
    • avoid letting people feel sorry for themselves [1]
    • involve in simple tasks [1]
  • goals [1]
    • step by step [1]
  • adaptability [1]
    • improvise [1]
  • personality traits [1]
    • makes decisions [1]
    • improvises [1]
    • adapts to situation [1]
      • makes the best of it [1]
    • prepares [1]
      • hopes for the best, prepares for the worst [1]
    • knows fears, controls them [1]
  • survival physiology [1]
    • food & water [1]
    • heat loss [1]
    • heat production [1]
  • emergency survival
  • phase 1 - emergency response [1]
    • 1st 6 hours [1]
    • protect life [1]
      • priorities and necessities of life [1]
    • first aid [1]
    • protect/inventory equipment [1]
    • conserve body resources [1]
    • signal for help [1]
    • build fire [1]
      • PMA vs physical need
  • phase 2 - continued life support [1]
    • maintain physical needs [1]
    • apply survival skills [1]
    • maintain PMA [1]
    • watch for future dangers [1]
  • phase 3 - rescue [1]
    • continue signalling [1]
    • plan self rescue [1]
  • A survival situation is one in which an individual's very existence is threatened.[3]
  • survival is living a minute longer by any means possible [3]
  • improvise [3]
  • nearly all survival situations are short term [3]
    • less than 72 hours [3]
    • 98% [3]
  • people rarely go out of their comfort zone [3]
  • people who regularly act at the edge of their comfort zone, react better to emergencies [3]


What materials are needed or useful in presenting this lesson.

Question bank

List of questions suitable for an review/exam of this section.

see /Question bank

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the questions that students typically ask. Include the answers.


When has this lesson been presented. What was the feedback.


What can others do with this lesson?

Copyright © 2011, Brett Wuth. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Canada License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

Reference Material

If you need to cite sources, do so here.

[1] SAR Skills Handbook: FOG SAR, Field Operating Guide To Search and Rescue, Richard Smith et al., (c) ERI Canada et al., 2003, first edition, ISBN 0-9734135-0-6, Chapter 24

[2] 'SAR Skills V1.ppt' part of the course materials CD associated with SAR Skills Handbook[1], slides 506-526

[3] Search and Rescue Fundamentals: Basic Skills and Knowledge to Perform Wilderness, Inland, Search and Rescue, D. Cooper et al., 3rd Edition, revised., (c{ 1996 Emergency Response Institute, Inc. et al., ISBN 0-913724-37-8, Chapter 5


Any additional notes, etc.