SAR Fundamentals/Prep
Work to do in preparation for course
- pick dates
- consult with organizer of mock search
- create wiki pages
- customize the announcement
- distribute the announcement as indicated
- order text books
- create a contingency plan for SAR being called out during course
- facilitator
- book room
- book riding arena for Type 4 search
- pick up room key
- bring refreshments
- arrange snacks and/or lunches
- pick up lunches
- buy, order, gather, print consumables
- plan mock search
- order log books
- order maps
- order improved instructional material
- order incentives
- arrange for and prepare the aids (support material) for each section
- handouts for each section
- name place cards (tent cards)
- develop case studies (Komlodi, Koopmans)
- plan for if SAR is called during course
- make online ICS 100 course a prerequisite and focus on only how applies to SAR
- set up ICS exam
- break up navigation sections -- 4 hour long loses student concentration
- arrange wireless access at classroom
- check/get index cards
- flip chart paper 24" (27"?) x 36"
- pencils
- map quality erasers
- pick up GPSs
- pick up VHF & FRS radios
- queue powerpoint presentations
- configure to play videos from laptop
- get overhead box
- arrange overhead projector
- arrange wireless access at classroom
- get maps from SARCAR
- organize mock search
- invite PCSAR mock participants
- find co-instructors/volunteers
- get maps from SARCAR
- verify multimedia setup
- hanging white sheets
- arrange for and prepare the aids (support material) for each section
- set up review section
- print course schedules for instructors
- hanging white sheets
- stretcher, webbing for lashing, carry
- assigned reading folder
- arrange access to riding arena for Type 4 search
- recruit critique chair
- order/print certificates
- organize folder, overhead slides for each section
- update this generic list from the course's list
- need short filler material (approx 15 min each) when get through material ahead of time
- consider anecdotes
- consider short presentation on material not normally included
- incorporate being on time as part of the training
- email reminder of prep for conditions