SAR Fundamentals/Evening 4 start-up/Content Review


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  • What does declination mean?

  • How accurate (in meters) is a GPS with and without WAAS?

  • Is a GPS effective in a heavy blizzard?

  • Can pacing be practical when measuring distance?

  • Describe a Type 4 search

  • Name and describe the principal characteristic of the 5 types of active search techniques.

  • How far apart are searchers in a type 3 search?

  • After how much time does quality of searching begin to wane for an individual?

  • How many active search techniques are there for searching by foot?

  • If you wanted as close to 100% POD as possible, what type of search would you use?

  • The ability to critically self-reflect is an important element of survival? True or False.

  • What are 5 mechanisms by which your body looses heat?

  • Name the 4 ways to obtain potable water in the field?

  • List 2 potential hazards when SAR responds to a disaster, with collapsed buildings.

  • How do you say a large number like "75" on the radio?

  • How do pronounce you these numbers on the radio? 3 4 5 9

  • What are some basic pieces of equipment used by SAR responders in a water search?

  • Name 4 different types of specialized vehicles used in SAR.

  • Name some hazards in an urban SAR setting.

  • Personal tools