SAR Fundamentals/Evening 4 start-up/Content Review


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  1. On a search, are you more likely to become physically or mentally tired first?

  2. Can you use a South American compass in North America?

  3. Is a GPS effective in a canyon?

  4. Name 3 ways that a GPS can fail.

  5. What are the 5 basic categories of clues? Give an example of each.

  6. What is a sound sweep?

  7. What are the 3 heights for search zones?

  8. What are the two categories of search techniques? Give an example of both.

  9. Describe a Type 4 search

  10. Name and describe the principal characteristic of the 5 types of active search techniques.

  11. Can pacing be practical when measuring distance?

  12. What are the components of physical conditioning? (hint: SAFE)

  13. In a survival situation, which of the necessities of life should be

    a person's highest priority?

  14. What is a disadvantage of waterproof clothing?

  15. What is the first line of defense against the rigours of the outdoors?

  16. What is a "cat hole" used for?

  17. How deep should a "cat hole" be?

  18. When are ticks most active?

  19. Which call sign is said first - your station or the station you're calling?

  20. What is the spoken word for distress in radio communications?

  21. Name some safety guidelines for a search near water?

  22. Is recovering a body an urgent matter?

  23. What are the benefits of LED lights over older forms of lighting?

  24. What are some problems with gadgets and gizmos in SAR?

  25. True or False? A searcher can enter a person's yard without permission.

  26. When conducting a search of a building why must each floor be secured?

  27. What do the 3 W's stand for in risk for hypothermia?

  28. What are some aggravating factors that can contribute to hypothermia?

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