SAR Fundamentals/Evening 4 start-up/Content Review


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  1. When do you finish gathering background information about the lost subject?

  2. How accurate (in meters) is a GPS with and without WAAS?

  3. Is a GPS effective in a heavy blizzard?

  4. Name 4 different types of instruments used to help navigate for ground SAR.

  5. If you wanted as close to 100% POD as possible, what type of search would you use?

  6. What does a confinement team do?

  7. What is a search cube?

  8. What additional considerations are involved in a night search?

  9. When performing a Widely-Spaced Sound Sweep, how far apart are the searchers?

  10. What are the 5 basic categories of clues? Give an example of each.

  11. Can pacing be practical when measuring distance?

  12. What is your best survival tool?

  13. What are 3 major contributors to loss of water in the body for SAR workers?

  14. What percent of you body heat do you lose from your head?

  15. What are the layers in layered clothing? What does each layer do?

  16. What is the disadvantage of chemically treating water?

  17. What is a "cat hole" used for?

  18. What are a few things do's and don't if you encounter a bear?

  19. How do pronounce you these numbers on the radio? 3 4 5 9

  20. Which call sign is said first - your station or the station you're calling?

  21. Using a rope, what is the best way to cross a river?

  22. True or False? The narrowest part of a river or stream is usually the best place to cross.

  23. Name 4 different types of specialized vehicles used in SAR.

  24. What does PLB stand for? What does it do?

  25. When conducting a search of a building why must each floor be secured?

  26. How are multistory buildings searched?

  27. Name 4 of the "umbles" that are warnings of possible hypothermia.

  28. What are the 3 system in the body affected by hypothermia?

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