Board of Directors/2016-04-05/Agenda


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  1. Call to Order (Brett, 17:30, 1 min)
    1. Quorum
  2. Agenda (Brett, 17:31, 2 min)
    1. Additions to the Agenda
    2. Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the Agenda be adopted as (presented/amended).
  3. Minutes
    1. Minutes of March 1 meeting (Susanna, 17:33, 3 min)
      1. Errors or Omissions
      2. Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the minutes of the March 1, 2016 board meeting be adopted as (presented/amended).
    2. Minutes of March 29 meeting (Brett, 17:36, 3 min)
      1. Errors or Omissions
      2. Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the minutes of the March 29, 2016 board meeting be adopted as (presented/amended).
  4. New Member Applications (Brett, 17:39, 2 min)
    Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the following applicants be approved as Associate Members of the Society:

  5. Incidents (Brett, 17:41, 5 min)
  6. Administrator's Report (Susanna, 17:46, 10 min)
    1. Breakdown of work done till Mar 31st (17:43, 5 min, Susanna)
    2. Scheduled obligations (17:46, 3 min, Brett)
      1. Lethbridge Casino 6 week report completed by Sue and placed on Wiki (done)
      2. 2016-03-31: 2013 casino purchases approved, ordered, and paid by deadline (done)
      3. 2016-04-10: Regional SAR meeting
      4. 2016-04-21: AGLC training
      5. 2016-04-29 to 05-01: SAR Alberta Annual General Meeting
      6. May: Call goes to committees, officers, etc. to submit requests for Sept 2016 - Aug 2017 budget
      7. 2016-12-31: 2013 casino report can be added to the 2016 casino and is due at the end of the year.
  7. Financial
    1. Financial Statements (Diann, 17:53, 10 min)
      Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the Financial Statements be accepted as information.
    2. Approval of cheques over $500 or outside budget (Diann, 17:55, 3 min)
      Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that payment to ________________ for _______________________ be approved.
      Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that payment to ________________ for _______________________ be approved.
      Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that payment to ________________ for _______________________ be approved.
  8. Committee Reports
    1. Fundraising
    2. Training (Brett, 18:29, 3 min)
      1. Provincial Training Grant Application
    3. Membership
      1. Criminal Records Review (Susanna, 18:32, 2 min)
    4. Equipment (Brian, 18:34, 5 min)
    5. Pre-Plan (Brett, 18:39, 2 min)
      Following the Pincher Ridge Rescue, the Pre-Plan Committee discussed the need for rapid response in rescue situations. There are some changes in notification and call-out that have been initiated. But the committee asks the Board for direction. Is rapid response to rescue something we should be planning for?
      1. Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that PCSAR recognizes a mandate to provide rapid first-response to rescue situations in which it is skilled. And it asks the Pre-Plan Committee to develop plans and recommendations to support that response.
    6. Technical Rescue (Brett, 18:41, 1 min)
    7. Call Out (Brett, 18:42, 1 min)
    8. Audit (John, 18:43, 3 min)
    9. Technology
  9. Action Items Review & Update (Brett, 18:46, 5 min)
  10. Strategic Planning (Brett, 18:34, 25 min)
  11. Adjournment (Brett, 18:51, 1 min)
    Next Board Meeting: [date] 17:30
    Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ to adjourn.
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