General Meetings/Organizing AGM
Notifications need to be started second week in October to garner interest in running for positions. Need pro-active approach by Membership Committee. Media notice should be included under Shell Community Calendar. Perhaps plan a rope rescue exercise or something for those members who are able to attend earlier in the afternoon - around 15:00. (dp)
Contact members
Each member should be called:
- Potluck/Celebration of our 20th anniversary/AGM at 18:00 (6pm) Tuesday November 3 at the fire hall
- Can you attend?
- Will you bring guests?
- Are you getting monthly e-mails? (So we can figure out if we have a problem contacting people)
- When did you last participate? (So we can determine if we have stale members that need to be removed from the list. Members need to participate at least once a year to maintain membership. Coming to this event will count.)
- Are you willing to run for office?
- President - leads the business end of the group; deals with other organizations
- Vice President - fills in for the President
- Secretary - meetings and record keeping; mostly delegated to the Administrator
- Treasurer - financial; mostly delegated to the Administrator
- Director at Large - attend board meetings; minimal other duties
- Are you willing to help out?
- Membership Committee - keeping members involved, recruiting new members, social and fun stuff, member records
- Preplan Committee - planning how we should respond in searches; all Search Managers expected to participate; others welcome
- Training Committee - arrange monthly training, courses, outside training opportunities; don't have to instruct to be part of committee
- Equipment Committee - maintain our equipment, plan new purchases; keep things charged and ready to run
- Technology Committee - website, phone call-out systems, satellite technology
- Call Out Committee - notify members of searches, coordinates their arrival; work from home
- Fund raising committee - apply for grants; speak to funders; Casino
- Audit Committee - review the books and report to the membership once a year; should be independant of board
- Technical Rescue - plan and train for rescues that require special skills - rope rescue, swift water
- When was the last time you participated? (For determining whether people are still members. They have to had participated in the last year.)
Checksheet for calling each member: PCSAR Doc-124 AGM Phone Check Sheet
Sample agenda
- Welcome and thanks
- Sign-in
- Motion: That all present may vote. (Must be unanimous)
- Motion: to appoint meeting chair. (common for SAR group, CRG)
- Motion: accept minutes.
- President's report
- Financial statements
- Auditors' report if available
- Elections
- SAR President
- SAR Vice-President
- SAR Secretary / SAR Treasurer
- SAR Directors at Large
- CRG President
- CRG Secretary
- Call for committee members
- Membership, Preplan, Training, Equipment, Call Out, Fundraising, Prevention, Technology, Technical Rescue
- Discussion/motions from the floor
Have at the meeting: