SAR Fundamentals/Work estimate
Based on 2011 running.
Not including student's time.
Total: 213h
Preparation: 88h
- Lead instructor: 74h
- course scheduling
- advertise event
- register students
- recruit guest instructors, facilitators
- organize and refine lesson plans
- prep lessons
- print and copy handouts
- print and copy instructors materials
- order course materials and supplies
- Guest instructors: 5h
- prep lessons
- Facilitators: 9h
- registration
- book facilities
- arrange food
- organize mock search: 5h
In Class: 100h
- Lead instructor: 52h
- Eve 1: 4.5h
- Day 2: 8.5h
- Day 3: 9.5h
- Eve 4: 4.8h
- Day/Eve 5: 14.5h
- Day 6: 10.0h
- attend all sessions
- set up, break down
- minor prep
- Guest instructors: 26h
- presenting
- supporting other instructors
- Facilitators: 22h
- open/close facility
- bring in food
- aid instructional sessions
- aid in mock search: 6h
After the session: 25h
- Lead instructor: 23h
- Financial: 5h
- Update files: 5h
- unspecified: 13h
- clean up, restock, store materials
- update lesson plans
- follow up with students that missed some sections
- reporting certifications
- Administrator: 2h
- bill payment
- grant paperwork