2012-02 SAR Fundamentals/Consumables
Consumables needed for each SAR Fundamentals running
Order, gather
- order/print certificates
- (done) arrange snacks and/or lunches
- (done) order text books
- order log books
- Trip Plan pamphlets
Shopping, gathering
- (done) flip chart paper 27" x 36"
- (not) order incentives
- (done) name place cards (tent cards)
for SAR Fundamentals/Navigation, part 1
- (done) check/get index cards
- (done) pencil for each student
- (done) map quality eraser for each pair
- print course schedules for instructors
- lesson plan for each section
for SAR Fundamentals/Introduction:
- PCSAR sign-in forms: 2 sheets/day * 7 (6 days + mock) = 14 sheets
- AEMA student registration form
- Student registration & contact list (off wiki)
- equipment sign-out forms
- manuals: 2 sheets
for SAR Fundamentals/Incident anatomy Forms: (copies for each student)
- Pincher SAR Emergency Call-Out Procedure (PCSAR Doc-67)
- Pincher SAR Incident Review - Critique (PCSAR Doc-29)
- Pincher SAR Incident Notification Process (PCSAR Doc-80)
- Pincher SAR Task Assignment & Debriefing (PCSAR Doc-61)
- Pincher SAR Briefing Handout (PCSAR Doc-86)
- Pincher SAR Sign-In sheet
- Urgency Determination Form
for SAR Fundamentals/Ready Pack
- list of equipment in Brett's Ready Pack
- form for preparing your own ready pack
- list of equipment in Jake's vest
for SAR Fundamentals/Navigation instruments theory
- copy for each student of local street map
- copy for each student of PCSAR Doc-69 “GPS - Set-Up and Maintenance”
- copy for each student of outside exercise sheet, adapted to locale
for SAR Fundamentals/Assigned reading
- copy of list and form for each student
for SAR Fundamentals/Search skills and compass practical
for SAR Fundamentals/GPS practical
- GPS exercise sheet with answer key
- Pincher Creek (odt) (pdf)
- Image:Members:2011-03-25 23 21 03u-scan.pdf and corrections
- Pincher Creek Street Map (with features highlighted)
- Pincher Creek (odt) (pdf)
for SAR Fundamentals/Communications
- for each student:
- phonetic alphabet (handout or in text book)
- hand-out:
for SAR Fundamentals/Briefing debriefing
- Pincher SAR Task Assignment / Debriefing (PCSAR DOC-61)
- tracking sheet pcsar
- Waiboer tracking slides pcsar
- Waiboer tracking slides pcsar
- Waiboer tracking slides pcsar
- Waiboer tracking slides pcsar
- Waiboer tracking slides pcsar
- Waiboer tracking slides pcsar
- Waiboer tracking slides pcsar
- Waiboer tracking slides pcsar
- Waiboer tracking slides pcsar
- Waiboer tracking slides pcsar
for Review
- course evaluations (form)
- order/print certificates