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Training Committee Report to the Board

Last update: 2014-05-06

Recent and Upcoming Activities

  • Completed April regular training: Mock Search - Ali
  • Completed Shell "blind" mock was April 19. 9 members attended. 2 in CP, 7 in field. Exercise design underutilized members.
  • May regular training: Team Leadership - Brett
  • June regular training: ?
  • Wilderness First Aid - June - Claus
  • ATV course - May or June - Russ
  • Helicopter course: difficulty getting in contact with instructor; still supported by Shell


  • Not enough Training Committee members
  • Unable to run SAR Fundamentals in the spring, postpone to fall - training grant implications
  • No training grant for coming year

Requests to the board

  • Anticipate funding request to make up for lack of grant
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