Membership Committee


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The mandate of the Membership Committee has not yet been set by the Board. The following draft mandate is proposed by the Committee.

The Membership Committee is responsible to make sure the organization has sufficient members with the skills, background and participation level for the organization to meet its needs.

It acts as the social (fun, engagement) side of SAR, and the recruitment side (you want to join!).

To do so, the committee must understand what the personnel needs of the organization are. It receives that information from the Board (for organizational needs) and the Preplan Committee (for operational needs).

When there is an insufficient number of members or a lack members with the specific background or participation level, the committee recruits from the community for new members.

If there is a lack of specific skills, the committee coordinates with the Training Committee to decide whether to recruit for new members with those skills, or train existing members.

The committee is responsible to maintain a high retention rate so that member turn over is low and the need to recruit replacements is low. To do so, the committee may run programmes to do such things as

  • make new members feel welcome
  • help existing members feel connected
  • provide a positive social environment
  • understand why members leave

The committee is responsible for periodically reviewing membership policies and recommending any useful changes to the Board.

The committee is responsible for keeping the membership list. It maintains the personnel record on each member, which shows both information needed for the organization (such as e-mail address, voting status, participation and committees) and for operational needs (such as emergency contacts, equipment and operational status).

Annually, the committee reviews the membership list determining who is in good standing.

The committee brings to the Board for consideration new membership applications. It tracks which Associate Members qualify for or no longer qualify for Voting membership, and informs the board of that. It provides a list of Voting Members for all general meetings.

The committee provides electronic mailing lists that allow e-mail communications between all members and within each committee.

The committee where necessary provides membership information to outside organizations such as:

  • the provincial government for WCB and insurance coverage
  • SAR Alberta for statistics
  • the RCMP for service awards

The committee provides operational information in the form of a call-out list and individual personnel records.


The Membership Committee consists of:

(Database listing)

You can contact all the members of the Membership Committee by e-mailing the committee address.


Activity plan

The 2011 activity plan for the committee is:

  1. Perform an annual review of membership statuses (done)
  2. Communicate training opportunities re SAR Fundamentals to increase number of responders
  3. Contact "stale" members to determine whether we are missing their participation records or whether they wish to drop off the membership list
  4. Do "exit interviews" with a selection of members who are leaving to understand typical reasons
  5. New Member Stewardship: encourage and support new members in integrating into the organization
  6. Hold a widely attended social event to build group cohesion
  7. Understand the requirements and recruit as necessary to meet the need for snowmobile responders
  8. Increase Pincher SAR's profile in the community through alternative media to increase recruitment
    • Rec Board sign at Arena (Dave)
      • talk to Town, Linda Jumago
    • Co-op mobile bill board
    • Echo events listing, monthly (Dave)
    • school take-home material for parents (Dave)
  9. Get specifics on RCMP's requirements for our members (i.e. Criminal Records Check) (Dave)
  10. Prepare membership packages for Emergency Preparedness Week (Brett - done)




  • 2011, mid August, date to be determined


Policies are set by the board. Click here for the ones related to Membership Status.


Record keeping


See Budget


Suggestions for membership committee, with something to do, but haven't been rated

[<>]  [<>] # [<>] Value to PCSAR mandate [<>] Difficulty to implement [<>] Description
2014-02-23 CMR skier/Critque/Sug/0003 33 not rated not rated As some members did not receive notification, to review the contact information within the system
Imagelist 66
not rated
not rated

Turn on sat phone before leaving fire hall and also have someone else drive.
We need to have more instruction for use of sat phone.
Cordless phone had nearly dead batteries.

have corded phone backup
When 2 people are calling they should be in separate rooms so they don't get messages confused.
We need more call out people. Sue. N. to put article in paper to try to recruit new callers.
Call out list should be rearrange and priotized. Brett to reorganize order.
Call out list to have first call # listed first.
SPOT has problems -- can not tell if message goes through
We need to know how SPOT works - call intervals etc. Should get one to meeting and have info session on it.
Had good response. 6 members, 3 quads initially and some available for next day.
We knew lat/long of subject
We should know RCMP boundaries

part of Suggestion 17.
Fish and Wildlife, SRD, Quad Squad could have assisted
Call out didn't have list of search mgr on call

Use 5804.

Preplan/Committee/2016-11-21/Sug/0001 11 not rated not rated recruit new members with alpine skills

High-value, easy suggestions


High-value, medium-difficulty suggestion

[<>]  [<>] # [<>] Description [<>] Person handling
Critiques/2009-05-05/Sug1 11 Not able to get call-out people on incidents. Suggest have lead call-out coordinator on-call for month or 2 week period like manager-on-call. Suggest get more call-out people.

Medium-value, easy suggestions


High-value, hard suggestions


Medium-value, medium-difficulty suggestions


Low-value, easy suggestions


Medium-value, hard suggestions


Low-value, medium-difficulty suggestions


Low-value, hard suggestions

[<>]  [<>] # [<>] Description [<>] Person handling
Critiques/2012-04-25 Honda CRV/Suggestions/Sug7 77 Role of Social Media in this Search Social Media (Facebook, twitter, email etc...) played a major role in this search, is this something that can be utilized for future searches?

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