SAR Fundamentals/Compass practical and pacing
Contents |
Material covered
- SAR Fundamentals Manual: Ch.13 "Navigation"
- Basic SAR Skills Manual: Ch.7 "Navigation"
- Navigation - section 3 - compass use and exercise
1 hr
- Pacing and bearing exercise
- Tape measure
- Compasses
Lesson plan
- know cardinal directions
- know compass degrees
- know what affects a compass
- magnetic declination
- shooting a bearing with a compass
- pacing
- exercises:
- bearings
- pacing / bearing
- backbearing
- offsets
- SAR Fundamentals - Chapter 13 - Navigation
Lesson plan:
1/ discuss Magnetic Declination
- Where needle points
- Reading declination from map (add grid N)
- North pole moves
- currently moving north about 40 km / year
- Magnetic declination for Pincher Creek, 2011: 14deg 47' E.
- according to
- We track on our wiki: Navigation#Declination
- Adjusting declination on compass
2/ shooting a bearing with a compass
- using compass
- avoid metal
- belt buckle
- avoid magnetic fields
- avoid metal
- holding compass
- hold flat
- sighting
- using mirror
- using sighting notches
- reading bearing
- rotating barrel
- "red to the bed"
- parallax problem
- parallel needle edge, not needle in the middle
- walking a bearing
- setting bearing
- how far to look
3/ Pacing
- Step is one foot to the opposite
- Pace is one foot to the same foot (two steps)
- counting your pace
- measure your pace in 10m
- calculating distance from paces
- calculating paces from distance
4/ Exercises: bearings
- hand-out: Pacing and Traverse
5/ Advance
As they come up in discussion, describe:
- back bearings
- offsets