SAR Fundamentals/Inland water


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Basic SAR Skills Manual: Ch.19 "Inland Water Search"
typically assigned reading
otherwise 0.5hr
2005-02 13:20 - 13:38

Question bank

Q: Name some safety guidelines for a search near water?


  • wear a PFD
  • don't go in above knees
  • don't enter flood waters

Q: Using a rope, what is the best way to cross a river?

A: With the rope on a downsteam angle.

Q: What are some basic pieces of equipment used by SAR responders in a water search?


  • PFD
  • whistle
  • throw bag
  • poles
  • binoculars

Q: Why are water searches considered high urgency?

A: They are high urgency due to the potential for hypothermia and drowning.

Q: Is recovering a body an urgent matter?

A: no.

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