Help:Logging in
Some of the wiki's content is accessible only to Members of the CRG and PCSAR, Staff, and Trusted Guests. These are pages and files with names beginning with "Members:".
To access these pages, you must log in to the wiki. Click on the "Log in" link at the upper right corner of any page.
You will be taken to the login screen:
Be sure to read the portion that says "Pincher SAR and CRG Members". Many people have accidentally skipped this part.
Do not click on "Create an account." As a member you already have an account! Any additional account you create will not be able to access the member-only content.
(A) Enter your name as
John Smith
It has to be the spelling as you gave on your membership record. (click here for list). The first name and last name are capitalized, and there's a space between the names.
The following formats are wrong and won't work for you:
jsmith johnsmith john.smith JohnSmith John.Smith JOHNSMITH (all wrong)
If you have not logged in before, fill in your username and click on
the "E-mail password" button.
You'll get a temporary password sent in about 5 minutes to
the e-mail address you gave on your personnel record when you joined
Pincher SAR. Once you have the password, you can return to the log in
page to log in. You'll be prompted to change your temporary password
to a permanent one.
Brand new members will have to wait until the membership database is "processed", which if everyone is doing their job should happen once a month. Contact the Administrator if there are problems.