Board of Directors/2018-07-03/Agenda


< Board of Directors | 2018-07-03
Revision as of 22:39, 3 July 2018 by Brett Wuth (Talk | contribs)
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  1. Call to Order (Brett, 17:30, 1 min)
    1. Introductions
    2. Quorum
  2. Agenda (Brett, 17:31, 2 min)
    Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the Agenda be adopted as (presented/amended).
  3. Minutes (Rose, 17:33, 3 min)
    Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the minutes of the 2018-06-05 board meeting be adopted as (presented/amended).
  4. Administrator's Report (Rose, 17:46, 5 min)
    1. Letter of Resignation
    2. Search Process
      Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that a committee of ___________________________________ be formed to search for a new administrator, and recommend an individual and terms to the board.
  5. Financial
    1. Financial Statements (Rose, 17:53, 5 min)
      Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the Financial Statements be accepted as information.
    2. Budget Changes (Rose, 17:53, 5 min)
      Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the 2017-2018 Budget be amended by (increasing/decreasing) the ___________________ category from $_________ to $____________.
      Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the 2017-2018 Budget be amended by (increasing/decreasing) the ___________________ category from $_________ to $____________.
      Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that the 2017-2018 Budget be amended by (increasing/decreasing) the ___________________ category from $_________ to $____________.
    3. Approval of cheques over $500 or outside budget (Rose, 17:55, 3 min)
      Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that payment of $_______ to ________________ for _______________________ be approved.
      Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ that payment of $_______ to ________________ for _______________________ be approved.
  6. Break (5 min)
  7. Functional Area Reports
    1. Liaison (Brett)
    2. Fundraising (Igor)
      1. 2017 Training Grant
      2. D4H Compliance Grant
      3. Shell CSF
    3. Training (Brett, 18:29, 3 min)
    4. Membership
    5. Equipment (18:34, 5 min)
    6. Pre-Plan (Brett, 18:39, 2 min)
    7. Technical Rescue (Brett, 18:41, 1 min)
    8. Call Out (Brett, 18:42, 1 min)
    9. Audit (Igor, 18:43, 3 min)
    10. Technology (Brett)
    11. Prevention
  8. Strategic Planning (Brett, 18:34, 25 min)
  9. Adjournment (Brett, 18:51, 1 min)
    Next Board Meeting: [date] 17:30
    Suggested motion: Moved by _______________, seconded by _______________ to adjourn.