SAR Fundamentals/Evening 4 start-up/Content Review


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  1. On a search, are you more likely to become physically or mentally tired first?

  2. Can you use a South American compass in North America?

  3. Is a GPS effective in a canyon?

  4. Name 3 ways that a GPS can fail.

  5. What are the 3 heights for search zones?

  6. What are the two categories of search techniques? Give an example of both.

  7. Describe a Type 4 search

  8. Name and describe the principal characteristic of the 5 types of active search techniques.

  9. How far apart are searchers in a type 3 search?

  10. After how much time does quality of searching begin to wane for an individual?

  11. Can pacing be practical when measuring distance?

  12. Why is it important for SAR workers to admit their physical limits?

  13. What are the 5 mechanisms of body heat loss?

  14. What is a disadvantage of waterproof clothing?

  15. What is the first line of defense against the rigours of the outdoors?

  16. How long should water be boiled to be safe to drink?

  17. What should you always carry for personal hygiene in case there is no water to wash with?

  18. When are ticks most active?

  19. What is an advantage of duplex/repeater?

  20. What is an advantage of simplex?

  21. Using a rope, what is the best way to cross a river?

  22. True or False? The narrowest part of a river or stream is usually the best place to cross.

  23. Name some items of SAR technology.

  24. What are the two most common animals used in SAR?

  25. When searching for a child in an urban setting, how should the residence be treated?

  26. What is the 300-meter rule?

  27. Many things in your first aid kit can be improvised using other materials. Name something that can't be improvised.

  28. What is the first sign of hypothermia?

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