Task/List/Promote upcoming training


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Announce and promote the training opportunities available to and through PCSAR.




? hours

Assigned to

Alieza Cyr

[edit] Rationale

[edit] Details

The training committee lets PCSAR members and others know about training opportunities in the following ways.

  • In person, at the start of our regular 1st Tuesday of the month training sessions

Via e-mail to one or more of the following e-mail lists:

  • PCSAR Announce - Mail to this list goes to all our members plus any other that have signed up because they want to know about our events. Use this mailing list unless the training announcement is confidential to our members. If the RCMP liaison isn't already a PCSAR members, they'll generally be on this list.
  • PCSAR Members - Use this list if the training announcement is only targeted to our members, and we don't want it distributed more widely. For instance, if another organization is offering training just for our members, this list would be appropriate.
  • SARA Training Coordinators emailing list

Occasionally a PCSAR event will be advertised in the local paper(s).

The training committee maintains contact with the training coordinator/committee in neighbouring SAR groups. This is both to let them know about what training we are offering and to find out what training they have going on, so we can let our members know of the opportunities. The neighbouring SAR groups that are regularly contacted, are:

We haven't, but could set ourselves up to use the shared calendar and registration tool: ITM

The person taking on this task is the lead on the communications side of our training committee.

To do that you'll need to be aware of what training is planned into the next few months for Pincher SAR. You'll also need to be talking to our neighbours, Crowsnest Pass SAR, Lethbridge SAR (LASARA) and the Lethbridge dog team (CSDA), and finding out any training they have which is relevant.

There's a provincial mailing list (SARA Training Coordinators) where major training opportunities are announced. You'll get those announcements automatically through the PCSAR training committee mailing list.

With all the information you've collected, you're asked to be the lead person in getting the word out. That means giving the training announcements at the start of each regular meeting (about 5 minutes). That also involves updating our website calendar (wiki) and sending out e-mail to the mailing lists.

The basic information on our communications is here:


[edit] To do

Facts about Task/List/Promote upcoming trainingRDF feed
Assigned to Alieza Cyr  +
Description Announce and promote the training opportunities available to and through PCSAR.  +
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