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This page is based on the Meeting template.

Use that template to make similar pages.


[edit] Booking

Meeting location, date, time and duration.

[edit] Participants

List who should participate and indicate for each person whether they've been invited, have confirmed or declined, and attended.

  • Mike, Karl, Brett

[edit] Agenda

Purpose of meeting or detailed agenda.

  1. Finalize tentative schedule
  2. Assign people to take lead in organizing
    1. March
    2. April
    3. May - Brett
    4. Jun
    5. Jul
  3. support needed for SAR Fund - Brett
  4. support needed for Search Manager Recertification - Ron
  5. support needed for Wilderness First Aid - Claus, Ron
  6. event records - Yvonne & Alieza
  7. recognizing our training needs/wants

[edit] Handouts

Any related documents distributed before or during the meeting.

[edit] Minutes

Rough notes or formal minutes of the meeting.

[edit] Expenses

Receipts related to the meeting.

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